I just wanted to write something real quick...I way laying in bed last night trying to fall asleep, watching some tv, which I normally read..but I was beat..and noticed ALL THE FOOD COMMERICALS!! I have read on this forum before about you all posting on the commericals, but I guess I NEVER really paid attention until now...untill your not putting in your mouth whatver you feel like...it really is almost as if every commerical is about FOOD..and worst off..JUNK FOOD!! I started laughing after the first few..only cause I thought...YUP...Im definatley seeing now...what you all have been talking about!! so I shut the TV off...and went to bed.
No food dreams YET..but I know they are coming!! I used to have them before..and would wake up in a sweat mad at myself for eating what I THOUGHT I ate..then once fully awake..would be sooooo glad I was just a dream!!!
its funny the tricks our minds play on us!!

well...I hope you all had a great weekend...and some yummy shakes!
I tried mine with a straw last night..made my vanilla eggnong favorite with ice..nice and thick..and threw a straw in there...would have thought I was drinking a milkshake!! it was great!
happy shakin everyone