Comedy Relief Brought to You By Smartipantz

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Comedy Relief Brought to You By Smartipantz

Postby smartipantz » February 25th, 2006, 8:17 am

Thought I'd give you all deserved a good laugh on me.

Last night I decided to have a chocolate shake for my last supplement. I went to my box, pulled out a packet (out of the Chocolate Shake box, I swear!!), and dumped it in the blender. I thought it kinda made a thud when it fell in the blender but keep right on going. I poured in my water , ice, and a tad bit of toasted marshmallow (yum). While I was blending, I kinda thot the shake was a little pale... like vanilla.... but I had a tough week at work. When I poured it out, it didn't pour out as nicely as my normal shakes so I thot: 1) OK this is paler than normal chocolate, perhaps they put a vanilla shake in the box in error; 2) maybe I should smell it, perhaps there is something wrong with it.... smelled fine. So I sat down to drink it. :roflmao:

My first sip was.......... hmmmm this does not taste like a chocolate shake. Second sip was.......... this tastes a bit like cinnamon. So I got up and looked at the envelope............. :roflmao:

I made my first apple-cinnamon oatmeal shake with a smidge of toasted marshmallow. :roflmao:

The first part was ok...... but then when I got to the "oatmeal flake".. ICKY! I don't recommend it.

So my recommendations to you all .......... look at the packet before you start cooking, you might get a surprise!!
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Postby Patti » February 25th, 2006, 8:24 am

How Funny! :roflmao: I did the same thing with the pudding mix, but all in all it wasn't too bad.

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 25th, 2006, 8:53 am

OH MY GOSH SMARTI!!!! :roflmao: Would you believe it??? I did the EXACT same thing yesterday morning!!!! Good thing I caught it before I ate it...the "thump" and odd coloring made me read the packet. Let me tell you, I was a little sad :( LOL :roflmao:
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Postby smartipantz » February 25th, 2006, 9:11 am

I was a bit disappointed as well. I ration my oatmeal because I LOVE to have it in the morning. To think that I wasted it on this concoction kinda ticked me off. I ate it, reluctantly...... but I could have had it hot.

Well guess I need to read the labels. Could have been worse - could have been cream of chicken soup with a smidge of toasted marshmallow - yummy...... NOT!
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Postby Dayna » February 25th, 2006, 10:14 am

smartipantz wrote:Could have been worse - could have been cream of chicken soup with a smidge of toasted marshmallow - yummy...... NOT!

Next time I'm feeling munchy, I'll just remember this quote. It effectively took away any and all desire for food the moment I read it. Ew. Gross. Blech. *shudder*

Oatmeal shake . . . I'm impressed that you were able to get it down! Thanks for sharing the chuckles. :lol: :lol:

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