Cole Slaw

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Cole Slaw

Postby aimalasplace » August 20th, 2005, 2:03 am

Does anyone have a recipe for cole slaw? I thought I had seen one but can't find it. I LOVE cole slaw and would love to have it again. I know we can't have the carrots but even the cabbage would be great
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Postby want2Bthin » August 20th, 2005, 11:17 am


I make cole slaw on occasion. I buy the cabbage that is already shredded in the bag. I do not buy the kind with carrots in it. I have always been able to buy it with just cabbage at WalMart, Kroger, or Meijer. I mix FF mayo w/ splenda, salt & pepper, & a little skim milk. I do not have exact measurements but I try not to use too much mayo. Then I mix it up & refridgerate it. I have made it for family events & everyone loves it.

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Postby Nancy » August 20th, 2005, 12:08 pm

You could try using the Medifast Ranch dressing, too. It is made with vinegar and with the additon of a packet of Splenda, it tastes twangy like cole slaw dressing. the calories when using the FF mayo...

The total calories for the salad portion of the lean and green shoud be 80 and that includes the veggies and the dressing.
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