Coffee+ Medifast = PUKEORAMA! What did I do WRONG?!

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Coffee+ Medifast = PUKEORAMA! What did I do WRONG?!

Postby Carbshateme » September 7th, 2005, 5:47 pm

I mixed by Dutch Choco with a cup 'o Joe and it was NASTY! It was chunky, people. CHUNKY! I stirred and stirred and it was chunky! It was the yuckiest thing ever. Now, I know Miss Leopardpants enjoys her Medifast with coffee, so there MUST be something to it! What did I do wrong?! I am scared!!!!I even actually drank it! EW!!!!! LOL :(
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Coffee with Chocolate

Postby Jan » September 7th, 2005, 10:23 pm

Hi There,
Did you mix hot or cold coffee with the Dutch Chocolate Shake?? If it was hot it cooked the soy and resulted in lumps and more lumps -- yucky!! If it was cold I don't know why it was lumpy.
My favorite is to first put cold coffee -- 8 - 10 oz in my blender then add ice (crushed) and blend til it's slushy. Then I put in my shake and a little sugar free syrup -- any kind you like- and blend some more. It turns into a legal frappochino!! Yummy!!
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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 10:39 pm

Carbs ~

You are too too funny...I do totally understand about the barf-o-rama 'though...done it and ain't gonna do it again...

Hunny...please, please read the Lean Cuisine and my Newsletters...NEVER mix a packet with HOT water, hot bath water or hot is nasty.

The only things that mix well with hot water are the Fast Soups. Truly. I use cold water for everything and then gently heat - as in slow...Otherwise the soy cooks too fast and becomes a soyball like a cat hairball and it needs to be hocked up to rid yourself of the soy glop.

You can mix the packet with a small amount of cool water or cold coffee and then when it is smooth you can slowly add some warm coffee and stir, stir but it is best mixed with cold water and then gently heated.

Yes, the frappaccino is awesome - check out the Lean Cuisine...

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Postby Ash's mom » September 8th, 2005, 7:43 pm

Miss Leopardpants....I love it...too funny....I so needed a laugh tonight....

:laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh: :laughlaugh:
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