Coffee and Medifast

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Coffee and Medifast

Postby betz » September 27th, 2005, 6:50 am

I'm an avid coffee drinker who is always trying to cut down/watch my caffeine intake.

Earlier this week I was feeling really bad. Hungry all the time and weak, fatigued. I was beginning to blame Medifast when I realized...I was drinking decaf instead of the half caffeinated/half decaf blend that I'd been drinking before!

It was just withdrawal from caffeine and not MF.

My point is, it might not be a good idea to try going off caffeine "cold turkey" on Medifast (or maybe even NOT on MF). I'm still working on cutting down but slowly this time. I feel back in control again. Whew :)
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Postby jenn161012 » September 27th, 2005, 7:01 am

As a graduate student, I was totally addicted to coffee. I drank about 8 cups per day to help me stay awake so I could study. When starting Medifast, I did stop cold turkey. I had a terrible headache for the first day or two, but it quickly went away.

What is great is that I save $1.31 per day because I no longer purchase a cup of coffee at the campus bookstore before class. Now, those dollars go to Medifast! :D

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Postby betz » September 27th, 2005, 7:17 am

Oh college does it every time! I never drank coffee until I started art school.

That's SO good that you got rid of that habit and replaced it with MF.

I guess it's good to understand, if you're new to MF not blame MF for feeling crappy for the first few days...but to realize that many of your previous habits (that you're quitting) are responsible for making you feel not so great.

Curious-- do you drink decaf now? OR do you just avoid coffee altogether?
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Postby kimalexrn » September 27th, 2005, 8:04 am

Betz, To my knowledge, you can have Coffee on MF. its just you cant add the sugars and creamers. I drink it black and that is allowed. Hope this helps. ( i guess you can add equal or one of those if needed)


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Postby betz » September 27th, 2005, 8:10 am

Hi Kim!

Yes, I know MF allows coffee (yay!) . :) I actually didn't intend to drink the decaf--I think my guy dumped it into the canister not realizing it was decaf instead of regular. OOPS!

I'm trying to cut down on it though. I work at home and I tend to drink it all day--not a good thing. I've tried switching to green tea but always end up back with the coffee.

I prefer my coffee just as it is so the cream and sugar thing doesn't bother me a bit. Now and then I put a little sugar free fat free syrup in it for a "dessert" but that's about it.

Nice to meet you, btw. :)
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Postby BerkshireGrl » September 27th, 2005, 9:22 am

Mmmmm, coffee! I love to drink one or two cups in the morning... (as a matter of fact, it being a sick day for me, I'm enjoying a big ol' latte mug full right now...)

I've read on here that milk in your coffee is ok, or a bit of cream, but light on the cream (2 Tb. per cup max). When I was on MF before, and happily losing 3 pounds a week, I had 2 cups a day with Splenda and fat-free half-and-half.

Real sugar is not allowed, but fake sugar is ;)

I've tried to get used to straight-up coffee, but I'm too much of a wuss I guess! :lol:
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Postby jenn161012 » September 28th, 2005, 8:46 pm


I stopped drinking coffee altogether. I haven't had a cup in several weeks. However, I won't be surprised if I need the extra caffiene towards the end of the semester. BUT, I doubt that a caffiene addiction will be as severe from only drinking coffee for a week.

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