by Lauren » April 14th, 2006, 10:45 am
Thanks so much to all of you for your enthusiasm! To those of you who said it was inspirational, I totally understand, as I got the same inspiration from those prior to me, like Nancy, Mike, Vicky, Laura, etc...that's why the forum does so well, it has past, present, and future!
Now, folks, I KNOW I owe you pictures, and I PROMISE I am not avoiding it. I just stink at pictures! I especially stink because I don't have a digital camera, so I am relying on remembering to ask my friends and family to send pics of me to me. I may have to just develop some real photos of my own, and send hard copies to Unca. It took me quite a while to send the first round of photos, so what can I say?!
I was home for Passover and all my extended family was there, and they were all wonderfully "shocked and awed!" My Dad seems to think the biggest difference is my neck - I know that sounds weird, but for years I haven't been able to wear a lot of necklaces, I had to look for ones with more! :-)
Anyway, thanks again for all your guys should start a squad!