10# club

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10# club

Postby deecee » August 16th, 2005, 5:07 pm

unca tim can you place me in the 10# club, please :D
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 16th, 2005, 5:18 pm

You got er....:)
Geeesh...didn't you just start??
Great Shakin'
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Postby martha » August 16th, 2005, 6:21 pm


CONGRATULATIONS!!! 10# already is great..Keep up the good work..Martha
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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 1:33 am

Oh yeah!

1 bag of flour down, four to go...

Excellent, DeeCee! :bravo:
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Postby deecee » August 17th, 2005, 4:49 pm

thanks for the support and encouragement. the first wek was easy. i hape to lose at least 8 lbs. the second week. keep pushing me to continue.
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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 6:05 pm

DeeCee ~

When I read your note above about hoping to drop 8 pounds for week # 2, I thought I might make a little comment here because we have a lot of newbies right now…

It is really hard to know how much weight we will lose each week. We ALL want to lose a load of flabber each week but the likelihood of losing 8-10 pounds the second week is not that high, especially for women.

Whenever you read ads or see commercials for weight loss programs, there is always the disclaimer, "results not typical." I know that Medifast also has those disclaimers but the reality is that the average person [who follows the program properly] really truly pock-a-dooly does lose 2-5 pounds a week with Medifast.

People with diabetes and thyroid disease or people taking certain medications may lose weight at the lower end of the average. Some people are metabolically resistant but for the most part, those are the straight stats.

We cannot focus on the number on the scale. There are way too many other factors that affect weight loss speed and I have written about them throughout the MakeMeThinner Forum - you will have to do a search for more juicy info - but my point is, the scale does not necessarily reflect our degree of compliance and it absolutely does not reflect our value or worth as a person.

We can be totally program-compliant and experience a week where our weight stalls out or even goes up and when that does happen, we hang tough, we do not give up and go off the program, we do all the things that we know are right to do and eventually the pounds start rolling off again.

If we follow the plan as it is written, our weight loss moves at the speed at which our body is ready to release it. With Medifast it will be rapid, safe, muscle-sparing and we will be healthy.

Just follow the plan – eat every single packet, eat on time – every two or three hours and never go more than four hours between packets, drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water, weigh and measure the lean and green food portions to get the exact amount allotted and do not exercise until week 4.

For some of us who are in the high range of BMI, wait longer – when we have a lot of weight to lose, exercise can put added stress and strain on joints and create a bigger problem, exacerbate bone spurs and cause injuries.

If we haven’t exercised for years, why start now? Wait until we are at a lower BMI and can begin to gradually increase our activity level. If folks are bent on exercise, go with water aerobics, as it is non-impact.
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typical results

Postby deecee » August 17th, 2005, 10:46 pm

i know that 8 lbs is a bit of an exaggeration. i started the program after returning from las vegas. i was sure to loose weight just because i normally eat about half as much as i did on vacation. i lost 6 lbs before i left and gained 7 when i returned.
this week will more likely show me what my "expected" average will be.
i won't get discouraged either way
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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 11:10 pm

Okie dokie, Dee Cee!

We'll hope for 8 and take what we get, eh?

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Postby kellymedi » September 2nd, 2005, 8:40 am

I'm not sure what the 10lb club is, but I've lost 10lbs!!! I started July 12th and found this forum not long after and have really enjoyed reading others post. They have especially helped when I had a craving. I'd say "NO, go get your lap top and read post!" Always helps. So thank you all. This is a great forum. When I started Medifast I needed to lose 20lbs. I had already lost 15 - 20 counting calories over the past year but could not get the rest off. Medifast works and is so easy. I don't have to think!!! And that's good for a Mother of 6! I look at food so differently now. I probably could of lost this weight a lot quicker but I have a few road blocks with special birthday parties etc. But I still tried my best to make choices to stick as close as possible to the plan. I wouldn't gain but I wouldn't lose for a few days. Good luck to everyone and their new life!

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Postby Nancy » September 2nd, 2005, 10:54 am

Unca is out of the country until Sept. 11th, I am outta town until late Saturday so as soon as I am able, Darlin', we'll getcha taken care of....
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