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5 week variety pak

Postby Jan » December 29th, 2005, 11:03 am

Hi Lala,
That's what you want to order. The 5 week variety pak. The offer is only good on your very first order sooooo order it now or you're going to lose this great opportunity. If I remember right I think it brings the cost of a meal to about $1.57 or so -- what a deal!! Plus the free shipping is great that way all your $$ go for food -- not transportation!
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Postby Nancy » December 29th, 2005, 11:04 am

:byebye: Howdy doody, Lala and welcome!

Of COURSE it's best to order the 4 week package - you save a lot more $ that way by receiving the extra week's worth of food, you get a nice selection of products so you can try a wide variety of food and flavors plus the free shipping is a very good deal. :thumbsup:

Orders under $200 typically arrive in 7-10 business days; the free shipping is :drive: faster and arrives usually in 4-5 business days, depending upon the package volumes/weather/holiday issues. The 4 week package also includes three bonus packets.

With a 2 week package, you hardly have time to get started before it is time to re-order because of the shipping time.

Of course, if you are so inclined, you may pay the big buck-o-lahs for expedited shipping. I'd prefer to spend my money on more Medifast and smaller jeans than for shipping. :lol:

I feel that by having a month's worth of food on the shelf is a great psychological factor, too - it means that you are serious about doing something about your weight and your health, you are less likely to stop for fast food or buy junk food when you already have some fast healthy food available. One of the keys to success is to be a Boy Scout - be prepared at all times with your healthy fast food: Medifast!

:yes: Yup, the 4 week package is so worth it in terms of your pocketbook and your waistline!
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Postby Lala » January 2nd, 2006, 9:12 pm

Hi Nancy and Jan - Thanks for your response - I rec'd an email that my 5 week supply will be here on Wednesday - I'm trying to mentally get prepared - I'm thinking that I may have to put of starting until next monday as I have dinner comittment for Saturday and I dont know that I'll have the willpower to do the "right thing" and I would like to do this right! Any tricks of the trade would be helpful.


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Postby Nancy » January 3rd, 2006, 10:48 am

Going out for supper and remaining true to the program is not an impossible task but let me tell ya, in the beginning stages of the program, most people do best if they can avoid the temptation of dinner rolls, potatoes and dessert. Once a person is in the fat-burning state and has a week or two of success under their belt, it's a piece of cake.

It is important to do everything possible to stay on the program and to carefully follow the plan, especially the first month. There will always be special occasions, holiday gatherings and dinner invitations. We live in a foody world and it is not practical to sequester yourself away in an isolated tower for 6 months - we must get used to going out to eat and choosing the best possible meals for our health's sake. I do not always make the best choices myself but I make them a lot more often than I ever did before I met Medifast.

Use the dinner invitation to be a time to enjoy the company of the people more than you enjoy the grub! Drink lots of water, have herbal tea, a green salad with no dressing, grilled or baked fish or chicken with NO potaters! None! Ask for steamed broccoli or green beans instead. As the bread ‘n butter is passed to you, just keep passing it on to the others and think thinny thoughts of you this spring – you’ll have no bread and butter dripping off your hips and thighs if you let it pass you by on Saturday night! If it passes your lips, it will live forever on your hips!

Each day we delay beginning our meal plan, we delay our health just one more day….
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Thanks - That Helped a lot - I'll try not to postpone!

Postby Lala » January 3rd, 2006, 5:31 pm

Nancy wrote:Going out for supper and remaining true to the program is not an impossible task but let me tell ya, in the beginning stages of the program, most people do best if they can avoid the temptation of dinner rolls, potatoes and dessert. Once a person is in the fat-burning state and has a week or two of success under their belt, it's a piece of cake.

It is important to do everything possible to stay on the program and to carefully follow the plan, especially the first month. There will always be special occasions, holiday gatherings and dinner invitations. We live in a foody world and it is not practical to sequester yourself away in an isolated tower for 6 months - we must get used to going out to eat and choosing the best possible meals for our health's sake. I do not always make the best choices myself but I make them a lot more often than I ever did before I met Medifast.

Use the dinner invitation to be a time to enjoy the company of the people more than you enjoy the grub! Drink lots of water, have herbal tea, a green salad with no dressing, grilled or baked fish or chicken with NO potaters! None! Ask for steamed broccoli or green beans instead. As the bread ‘n butter is passed to you, just keep passing it on to the others and think thinny thoughts of you this spring – you’ll have no bread and butter dripping off your hips and thighs if you let it pass you by on Saturday night! If it passes your lips, it will live forever on your hips!

Each day we delay beginning our meal plan, we delay our health just one more day….
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I've been on the program a week and a half

Postby LaLa » January 19th, 2006, 8:00 am

Any words of encouragement would be helpful (this is the first chat room I've been in so I'm not sure how to use it - but I thought I'd give it a try)
According to my scale, I did loose 7 lbs but gained 2 back - I was thinking that buy now, I should be in a mild ketosis and be continuing to lose weight gradually (I'm certain that the first 7 lbs (or now 5) was "new" weight as well as water weight so basically I am really not feeling like I'm loosing - And I'm also feeling like I have totally cut back on food intake - Compared to what I used to eat! I am not really that hungry -

Since I've started however, I celebrated my Mothers 80th birthday and also toasted a dear friend who passed away - So, I'm wondering if the 2 drinks (vodka on the rocks - I figured less carbs) would have made that much of a difference.


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Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2006, 8:23 am

Well, LaLa ~

First of all I am sorry to hear about the passing of your Dear Friend. That's a rough thing to experience. :tears: Imagine! Your Mother is 80 years old - you have longevity in your genes and how wonderful for you that you are working on improving your health - that will bring you an improved quality of life. Losing weight certainly made a difference for me in terms of my joint pain so as I become more experienced in life (AGED), I will have less trouble than I would had I not lost my flabber and that can the same for you.

LaLa, alcohol of any kind is metabolized as sugar by our body and yes, a drink or two can affect our ketosis level and thus, our weight loss. The important thing here is that you are back on track and headed for your goal.

We cannot compare our weight loss to another person's weight loss rate. We al lose weight according to our own body's mechanisms. Stress (I should think that you have had an extra dose of it with the death of your friend and the excitement of your Mom's birthday), lack of sleep, not eating on time, water intake, hormonal fluctuations, metabolism, disease or medications can all play into the equation of weight loss.

If your hunger has gone away except for every two and a half to three ours and your energy level is good, those are indicators that you are most likely in ketosis.

You lost 7 pounds, that’s VERY good in 10 days?

I’ve lost 1.4 pounds in 18 days.

See? Our bodies are different and they respond differently.

Those 2 re-gain/re-bound pounds are most likely fluid imbalance and they will be right off. Just keep at it, drink your water, have all 5 Medifast packets and your Lean and Green on time and very soon you’ll be in the 10 Pound Club and then the 20 Pound Club, etc.

Come on, you can do it!
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Thanks Nancy

Postby Lala » January 19th, 2006, 8:58 am

What stage of the program are you in?

Do you know how long it is supposed to take to get back to mild ketosis after a drink? Is it another 3 days. Also, is the oatmeal bar considered a "snack"? Or should I order snacks separately?

Because of My mom's B-day, I decided to stick w/the original 1-4 day plan for another week - I have not added fruit yet - I'd like to hold off on that as long as I can as I'm concerned about the carbs in fruit - Is this thought process ok? :?


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Postby aphrael » January 19th, 2006, 9:22 am


Once you are out of ketosis you are out unforitanly.

Oatmeal is a meal. Medifast offers fast soups that are like boulion, and crackers as snacks. Other snacks are 2 pickles (not sweet), 3 stalks of celery, 1 cup sugar free jello, or boulion. I might have forgoten some others, I'm sure others will add to the list if I did.

I am not sure what the 1 - 4 plan is you are talking about. Medifast has the full fast 5 - 6 supplements, with 6 being the recomeneded amount, or the 5+1 plan that is 5 supplements and 1 lean and green. The full fast needs to be done with doctors suppervision only. If you eatting less than that you could be putting your body into survival mode and won't loss weight.

Sorry to say that while in the weight lose phase there is no fruit alowed. You are right about the carbs, so no fruit.

Keep at it and just keep asking questions everyone here is very helpful.

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Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2006, 9:37 am

What stage of the program are you in?

I am in maintenance. I lost 135 pounds three years ago. That’s me ^ at the top of the web pages.
Do you know how long it is supposed to take to get back to mild ketosis after a drink? Is it another 3 days.

Every time we eat (or drink) something not on the program, we risk leaving ketosis. It is a very fine line that we walk here – when we eat more than what is on the plan; we tip the balance of the program. I really have no idea how long it will take to get it back; I should think it would not be a full three days if it was only the one drink that was added to your program day but I honestly dunno for sure.

Also, is the oatmeal bar considered a "snack"?

An oatmeal bar is not a snack, it is a complete meal replacement.
All of the bars are complete meals and you may have one bar per day for the weight loss program.

Each of the Medifast packets = one complete meal except for the following:

Medifast MultiGrain Crackers and Garden Vegetable Crackers are snacks

Medifast Fast Soup (Delicate Chicken, Savory Beef and Robust Tomato) are snacks.

Or should I order snacks separately?

I'm not sure what you mea here but let me take a stab at it - Yes, they may be ordered separately or they may be ordered when you place your next food order. Medifast Snack crackers and the Fast Soups do not come in the 28 Day Variety Pak. They must be ordered or added to your order.

You may have one Medifast Snack per day


three stalks of celery OR 2 dill pickles

1-2 cups of bouillon, Sugar Free Jell-O

original 1-4 day plan for another week

I don’t know what you mean here. If you are in transition, then you will be adding back fruit. If you are on the weight loss phase, no fruit.

We do not recommend that people begin the transition phase until they reach their goal weight. Then over a course of days or weeks, depending upon the length of time you are on the weight loss phase, begin transition.

I was on the weight loss phase for 7 months to lose 135 pounds and then I transitioned over a course of 6 weeks, then kept my calories low for several months to prevent regain and added increased exercise to raise my metabolism.

I would suggest that you look over the Quick Start booklet that came with your first order of Medifast and then speak with your Health Advisor to review your program with you.
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Thanks Aphrael and Nancy

Postby Lala » January 19th, 2006, 11:27 am

BTW - Nancy, you look great! And I bet you feel Great too! That's my goal! Your info was very helpful - I almost had fruit :oops: - I was reading the book wrong (I was reading the part where it talked about Days 1-4 - but it was in the "transition phase" - I'm glad I asked.

The next time I place an order, I will include some snacks!

I have been using an oil and vinegar dressing with my salad each night as the salad dressing did not come w/the original packet. Should I stop that as well?

Can I put anything on the cooked vegetables, like mabe a tiny bit of butter? On the South Beach Diet I was allowed to have fats that didnt contain carbs and since the Medifast quick start book says that I can use small amounts of half & half in my coffee, I was assuming it a little bit of butter or salad dressing couldn't hurt. Am I wrong?

Again, you've been very helpful.


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Postby falisamarie » January 19th, 2006, 11:43 am


Instead of regular butter there is a product called Molly McButter and Molly McButter Cheese that they sell that people on medifast use and it tastes just like the real thing :bib:

As far as the salad dressing--I am new to this so I am not 100% positive but would think that the oil would be a no no :( however there is a brand of salad dressing my health advisor told me about (go jan) called Wladen Farms that makes carb free/fat free dressings and other various condiments and they are pretty good!! :tongue: Some of the other more experienced medifasters could probably be more informative on wether or not oil and vinegar dressing is ok

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Thanks Lisa - Molly McButter it is!!!!!!

Postby Lala » January 19th, 2006, 11:48 am

Is the Wladen Farms Product at a reguar SuperMarket?
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Postby falisamarie » January 19th, 2006, 12:08 pm

Oops :oops: little typo it is Walden Farms and yes I found it at my local supermarket however for some strange reason I found it where the syrups are located :question: There is also a website for them if you are unable to locate them in you local supermarket

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Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2006, 2:52 pm

LaLa ~

You really need to drag out your Quick Start Booklet and read pages 4-5, pages 7 & 8, & page 18 as it will review the foods you can have and then read thru the Lean Cuisine web room for some of the ideas for meal preparations.

Read thru the FAQs http://www.makemethinner.com/forum/medifast-19.html

There are many references to salad dressings in the Forum. Use the search clicky ^ up there and type in the words 'salad dressing.'

Give your Health Advisor a call and they will get you up to speed.
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