Well finally I have reached the 90# club. Everybodys right. Those last few pounds are very stubborn. I go for weeks with no appreciable loss or just a little, but these last few pounds have to find a new home. I am going to evict them.

like it or not. When I look back I really didn't admit to myself that I had gained this much weight anyway so I am having trouble getting my head around the fact that I have lost it!

For those of you just in the early days of your weight loss, think about this, when it seems like a mountain to climb. Nine months ago I had a choice to start medifast or continue trying all the things that hadn't worked. If I hadn't made the medifast choice I would still be nine months older now, still doing the work I am doing, and I would STILL BE FAT! I made that choice, I now wear a size 6/8 and every thing is so much easier. Keep going all of you! Horsey Girl