90# Club Please!

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90# Club Please!

Postby Diet Diva » August 16th, 2005, 10:35 am

Hi folks,

Boy oh boy, it's sure been a while since I checked in. Life is good, but summer has a way of getting 'away' from us! Whew.

Good news, I'm passed the 90# and actually nearing the 100# mark! All in all, I have just a teeny tiny bit left....sure doesn't seem like much at all considering where I was way back when. Yeah, I've come a long way from a size 26-28 (4X) now to a size 4-6....Yipee!

Keep shakin' all you fellow mfasters... The pounds sure add up! And remember, just when you start to doubt medifast think of this: I have a friend who is my same height and weight. She is not doing medifast, and currently wears 4 pant sizes larger than me! I know this is freaky, but even though we're the same weight, medifast has helped me keep my body muscular and compact even though my weight still seems heavy for my frame. By the time I get to my goal I will be mean and lean....ok, maybe not mean, but definitely lean!

Take care,
Diet Diva
Start 310 (pre medifast) 238 (started mfast) 148 (now) 105-110 (goal)
Total lost = a whopping 162 pounds! I hope to be to my goal by Turkey Day '05!

PS. People always ask about loose skin...and the answer is nope-- I guess I've really lucked out there. Medifast is truly my new best friend~!
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Postby horsey girl » August 16th, 2005, 11:29 am

Holy Cow! Diet Diva. You certainly earned your name. You have lost more than half of you and more than I now weigh. Thats incredible! You may not be jockey weight yet but I'll bet your feet feel like it. You will be in negative sizes when you get there. Congratulations. Horsey Girl
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Postby sprgrammy » August 16th, 2005, 11:38 am

HOLY MOLY!!! 90# You go Diet Diva. So happy for you.
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Postby want2Bthin » August 16th, 2005, 12:24 pm

Diet Diva-

TERRIFIC!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Postby Ash's mom » August 16th, 2005, 1:14 pm

That is amazing....Congratulations!!

Pictures please!! We would love to see the before and after!!!

Thx for sharing and congrats again, I am so happy for you!! Thx for being such a great inspiration!!

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Postby KeleeGrl » August 16th, 2005, 1:24 pm

WooHoo Diva! Can we see some pictures??!! Your definitely an inspiration to the rest of us.
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Postby martha » August 16th, 2005, 6:20 pm


OH MY GOSH :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I am in AWE of you..You will be gone when I get to the 90# club but keep a seat warm for me :mrgreen: ..What an INSPIRATION to me you are.. :mrgreen: I look forward to PICTURES!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!..I am glad to hear about the lack of loose skin..I already have some but now I have faith it will go bye-bye too.Thanks for posting your amazing story..I am SOOOO PROUD of you.. I too started at a 26/28 an really look forward to being at least a 8 again..Have a blessed week..Martha
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Postby Mommy2girls » August 16th, 2005, 8:11 pm

Diva, that is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :trophy:

Oh, definitely put me in the "I want to see a picture" club because the transformation must be absolutely amazing!!! That is funny that your friend is the same height/weight but much larger in size than you. Isn't it funny how that happens? That is wonderful that you have no loose skin! :dance:

Do you mind if I ask how you lost almost 100lbs PRE-medifast and what prompted you to change from that to Medifast? 162lbs plus what it takes to get you to goal is going to put you in the 200lb club. Unbelievable, Fantastic, Incredible, really!!! I was carrying my 4 year old upstairs today and thinking how heavy she is (she is about 39lbs) and how I can't believe I was carrying around that much in extra weight!!!

CONGRATS!!!! You are doing fantastic and we are going to keep hounding you about a picture!!!


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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 1:31 am

Dear dear Diet Diva ~

Please forgive me for not chiming in sooner. I did not see your post. Somebody :hammerhead: knock on my door next time when I :hide: miss something juicy like this!

I am so proud of you. :sheepjump:

This is a major accomplishment and you are to be :bow: praised for sticking to the program even when you did not feel like it - and I know very well that there are days and weeks when losers do not WANT to stick to it but by an act of their will choose to do so because they want it more than they want to be flabby.

Medifast is a unique product and the Take Shape For Life Program makes it possible to reach optimal health and weight - we truly lose the lard and maintain our muscle mass.

Party on, Diet Diva! :toast: :pigsfly:
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Postby buffybegood » August 17th, 2005, 6:02 am

Hi Diva....I am so happy for you. I have a closet full of that size and can't wait to be back into them. Too bad you aren't closer, I'd lend them to you!...haha...If I can remember from my personal trainer days, muscle is twice as heavy as fat....and is also active....so muscle actually burns calories...thanks for posting....I think I will go have a shake and not the leftover Lasagna....I didn't eat it last night, but it is calling me fron the frige this morning....
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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 8:11 am

BuffyBeGood ~

You are being :angel: good and will soon be into those smaller sizes, too if you keep :headphones: ignoring the call of the lasagna!

Diet Diva has obviously said, "No, thank you, not right now" to lasagna a number of times during her 90+ pound adventure! :lol:

Okie dokie, Diet Diva ~ what's the secret to your success?

How did you stick with it for so long, huh? :scratchhead: The Peeps wanna know! :mrgreen:
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Postby kimalexrn » August 17th, 2005, 8:56 am

Diet Diva, Wooooooooooonderfullllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. I'm like everyone else."Show Us the Pictures" You have no idea how much picture posts, helps us along. So dont be shy post, post, post , we're waiting. :D :D



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Postby Diet Diva » August 21st, 2005, 2:41 pm


You folks are the absolute best. Thanks soooooo much for all the positives. Some of you asked great questions and I'll try to answer them.

The first one was regarding how did I lose the 70+ lbs. before mfast, and then what promted me to switch to medifast....The answer is simple. I made the committment to do a healthy diet and exercise program and I was truly one bizillion percent committed. The challenge was, as many of you know, the progress was slow. When you are in the starting range of 300+ pounds, it can be devastating to go at a rate of .5 to 1 lb. a week, even when you do "all the right things." For me it was a matter of timing. I came across the medifast site and liked what I saw. I believed that it would help me really through that long dark tunnel...and it has. So by the time the UPS dropped my first medibox of grub, I was rearing to go. I knew this would get me to the finish line.

Another question was what keeps me going? That's simple too. I made the decision that I needed to live in integrity. To do that I needed to honor committment to myself and be the best I could be. I saw a bumper sticker once that said "This is not a dress rehearsal." You know, we all get one stab at it and I decided I was not going to sit on the sidelines anymore. Life is just too darn short, and we don't know what amazing things God has planned for us. I knew I didn't want to miss out when a plan came along and I was physically unable to step up to the plate. I have also dreamed of doing a triathlon for years now....that big goal to get to the starting line has really done it for me. I am just that much closer. I used to have a screen saver on my computer that read "It's never too late to be what you might have been...." Yeah, it's never too late. It's as simple as putting one foot right in front of the other.

Years ago I was physically active and then when the weight piled on, the activity stopped and so started a vicious cycle. As a 300+ lb. woman I remember trying to enroll in a yoga class, thinking that it would be a low impact way to get physically active again as I started my original weight loss phase. It was humiliating and painful as the yoga instructor suggested I "find a more appropriate exercise class for people like me." It was devastating. The instructor was obviously uncomfortable with large students in her class, and had never dealt with any weight issues herself. I was bound and determined not to let that stop me so I found another yoga instructor that supported me. Over the years I have continued to do yoga and love how it keeps me fit, strong, and well oxygenated. My husband reminds me that there are no accidents in life and even that painful lesson has a purpose...He is strongly encouraging me to actually become a yoga instructor myself so I can start a program for large sized yoga wanna-be students. I am considering it. I know there are many large people that want to start a fitness program but are intimidated and scared. I would love to someday create a 'soft, safe place' for those just like me. So that's a bit about a painful time in my life that actually fueled my desire to get more fit so I could someday empower others like me.

As far as secrets....there are none. Nope, no shortcuts either. It's simple--we are in control of what goes into our bodies. I absolutely refused to let a food addiction rule my life. I no longer anesthetize my life or emotions by running to the fridge or eating the wrong foods at the wrong time. I guess I was tired of living in the fog of a food-induced sugar/fat/carb coma. I wasn't really living then- I was just going thru the motions. Medifast really helped me get that under control. Now I'm not saying that it has been easy, and yes I have eaten my "free celery sticks" and just accidently dipped them in a spoonful of peanut butter...(Oh my how I long for peanut butter!!!) yeah, I'm just being honest...but have I face planted into a tub of lasagna? No, I believe those days are long gone. So I've learned a lot along the way as you all have as well. It's amazing how in control you feel when you can eat your 4 cookies made from a Medifast oatmeal pack, and enjoy them with a cup of coffee and feel that life is good. I feel incredibly strong, and yes life is good.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'll think about getting brave and posting the pics...Maybe by the time I make it to my triathlon I'll send all the cool pics of me at the finish line. I really can't wait.

Take care all, and thanks againg for all the encouragement. Bless all of you.

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Postby Nancy » August 22nd, 2005, 1:05 am

:hug: Dear dear Diet Diva ~

Thank you :bow: for your excellent post.

Your experience is similar to mine – :weightlift: determination, :weightlift: determination, :weightlift: determination.

When the smell of the finish line is greater
than the call of the Cinnabons at the mall
or Krispy Kremes by the boxload, we win. :trophy:

Diet Diva and Leopard Woman will :whip: not let the cheese cake win,
how about you? :huh:

Whatcha gonna do?
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Postby martha » August 22nd, 2005, 2:51 am


EXCELLENT POST!!!!!!!..I am impressed with your determination :mrgreen: I think I miss peanut butter more than anything else :mrgreen: Yeap I was a peanutty kinda girl.. No not just a spoon or 2 on my bread :x Oh NO it had to be drenching in the gooey stuff..I too can let the lasagna thing go..(of course the kids and family aren't handling it as well) I can let it go cause it's 1 of the things I quit cooking for now :x they ask almost daily for it..I make PANS of it at a time and so for now it's always the same answer--NO.. :oops: :oops: sorry but I don't know if I could handle making it and just having to SMELL IT!!!!
I wish there was a Yoga class here for the full figures girls BUT am sorry to say NOT!!!!!!! It really is hard to feel comfortable in gyms with all the tiney little people sweating around and looking at you like WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE :x
We are really ready for the pictures friend :mrgreen: :mrgreen: yeap we are.. hope to see them soon as they really give us the encouragement to keep going..dreaming of the day it will be our turn :mrgreen: --Thanks again for the excellent posts..Martha
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