CLOSED...Want to trade a variety of MF products

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CLOSED...Want to trade a variety of MF products

Postby Linda » December 25th, 2006, 7:32 pm

Well, I decided to start the new year off by trading some of my least favorite items for a few that I like better. So here is what I have:

Chocolate Pudding - 7 packets
Vanilla Pudding - 3 packets
Beef Stew - 4 packets
Cream of Tomato Soup - 3 packets
Minnestrone - 6 packets
70 shake, Orange Delight - 5 packets
Tropical Punch - 4 packets
Cranberry Mango - 14 packets
Cappuccino - 4 packets

All of the packets have expiration dates of at least June 2007 except the Chocolate Pudding, which is expired. I will give the Chocolate Pudding to the person who trades the most items. Ideally, I would like to make ONE trade with ONE person, but will consider all. If you are in the Orange County, California area, perhaps we could meet at a public place to trade in person.

Items I prefer:
Oatmeal (Maple/Brown Sugar or Apple Cinnamon only)
Chicken & Wild Rice Soup
Bars (Love the new Chocolate but will trade for others too)
Scrambled Eggs
Crackers (preferably Garden Vegetable)
Chai Latte
Chocolate Shakes

Last edited by Linda on January 17th, 2007, 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby AngelX » December 26th, 2006, 6:52 am


can i trade you the fruit punch and the beef stew for chicken and wild rice?

thank you
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Postby pinkbugs471 » December 26th, 2006, 12:41 pm

I would love to trade with you. I have 7 pkts of Chicken Rice soup, and 6 pkts of Chai Latte. I will trade you for the 4 Cappuccino and 9 Cranberry Mango. Please P.M. me and we can set this up.

Thanks, Pinkbugs
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Items Remaining

Postby Linda » December 26th, 2006, 11:50 pm

EDITED: items left as of Dec 29th:

Vanilla Pudding - 3 packets
Cream of Tomato Soup - 3 packets
Minnestrone - 6 packets
Orange Delight 70 shakes - 5 packets

Any more takers?

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