Gwenski is probably still in bar heaven!
That's how I feel about my Medi-oatmeal.

Love it!

Poor thinnin' Gwenski Girl! She really
did have to

wait a lifetime for those bars. Thank you one and

:stroll::stroll::stroll::stroll::stroll: all for helping her thru this ordeal.
Gentle Readers, there are times that shipping does take longer than usual and for that reason, it is in our best interest to not allow our Medifast stock to get too low, especially for our favorite items. When Hurricane Katrina struck, I had some very anxious Medifasters struggling because the UPS and FedEx drivers could not get their packages to them. The packages were at their hubs but just couldn't get to their front door.
Slow deliveries happen sometimes, it is not their intention.
Wipe the crumbs off your face, Gwenski - Oh, I doubt that there are any crumbs there at all since you inhaled your bars! Have a great weekend!