Climbing the Walls!!

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Climbing the Walls!!

Postby Cheddar_Cat » October 7th, 2005, 3:46 pm

Hia All -
This is a great forum - I've been browsing and reading for the last several weeks, and am happy to see all the very helpful folks - I hope I can reciprocate!!

I would like some advice if possible... I'm on my third week, and have allowed little bits/bites of things back into my diet slowly... I've dropped about 10 lbs, and am intensely grateful for that - but I can see that going away unless I gain control here.

I feel like I'm climbing the walls, and really need a jump start again... but don't know how... Any suggestions???


PS> Sorrry - it looks like I posted this in the wrong forum - please move if you can!?
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Postby Lisa in NY » October 7th, 2005, 5:38 pm

Ya know, I'm going to share the way I've been thinking since I started MF - maybe it'll help you.

Whatever the temptation happens to be, I say to myself, "well, you and I are not friends right now," as if I've had some kind of fallout with that food and we are taking a break from each other for awhile. In other words, I am not "hanging out" with pizza or macaroni for awhile. Sounds funny, doesn't it? But I gotta tell ya, it WORKS !!!

Make this SIMPLE. Eat only Medifast foods and your L&G. Anything else or extra will pull you back and make your goal take LONGER to achieve.

I have realized since beginning this program on August 6, that it was ESSENTIAL that I CHANGE my relationship with food, even if only temporary. You need to change the way you think and look at food. Once you have done that, NOTHING will stop you.

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Postby Crystal » October 7th, 2005, 9:24 pm

Thanks, Lisa. Although you were talking to Cheddar, I needed that... :grin:
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Postby Swift3260 » October 8th, 2005, 12:55 am

Welcome to the forum Ched!!!!!

Yeah, you have to get yourself into he right mind-set or you'll just slip farther and farther into your old habits. I look at it like this:

If i eat anything that is not in a medifast packet (or part of the RECOMENDED L&G) then it is BAD!!!

If you cheat on your diet (even a little bit here and there) then it can easily put you out of ketosis (the fat burning state) and it can take up to 3 days to get back there. By the time I have cheated by having a bag of popcorn and waited a few days to get back into ketosis, that's another couple of pounds that I could have burned but didn't. It's like waisted time. When you are in ketosis you are on a roll. Thats where you want to be. It's not worth it to me to fall off.

Thats how I keep myself from cheating. I dont want to have to be dieting forever to get to my goal. If you let yourself cheat even every couple days you may never be in a good ketosis state and never burning as much fat as you could.

Keep with it and the pounds will come off. GOOD LUCK!! You can do it!!
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Postby Jan » October 8th, 2005, 8:42 am

Hi Cheddar,

You know the English language is interesting. We say you are "cheating on your diet" -- really you are cheating on yourself :( YOu have spent your money to start this program to part with the pounds. You know that if you follow the program exactly the pounds will come off safely and quickly But, once you start to put the old paw into other things you cheat yourself. :x
As others have pointed out you are making it harder and harder to lose those pounds. Not only that, if you go out of ketosis, you will be hungry :x and more likely to add other things. " Just this once does count!!!" Remember this program is about balance. It is a medically sound sceintifically designed program. Everything is balanced to enable you to part with the pounds.
Those things that you are dipping the old paw into are not going to dissappear. Plus, you know what they taste like -- you've had them before so there is no need to just "taste" They will still be around when you reach your goal. Then you can have a bit once in a while. It still holds true though if a bag of potato chips is your best friend extra weight tooo will be hanging around you soooooon!
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Postby Gwenski » October 10th, 2005, 1:48 pm

Cheddar Cat!

Looking at your name makes me want my beloved Cheetos!!! Yet, I already digress...........

For me, I am all MF all the time. I even sit down when I get my box and dole it all out at once. Then I bag them up into individual ziplocs, put seven filled baggies in four containers and POOF - there I am for four weeks. If it doesn't come out of that baggie or is a SF Jello or MF crackers other than my L&G - it doesn't get near my mouth.

What can I say? I am such the control freak but I have been doing this since August and my scathing brilliant over control has done the trick. I even got a cute bag that I always cart around with my entire day of supplies in (with the shaker jar) so I don't get stuck.

Remember the food is going to be there when we get to where we want to be and we are going to a lot of trouble and expense to do this and all these little additions are going to make this more a struggle and last longer than it needs to.

Personally, the cool part about all this is changing my relationship with myself and dealing with me and life without food -- takes some practice but you will get into the swing of it.

You can do this -- after all you came to the right place! :mrgreen:

Began July 6, 2005 & Originally lost 131.19#'s
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