A cleaning whirlwind...

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A cleaning whirlwind...

Postby BerkshireGrl » February 6th, 2005, 7:01 pm

This might sound corny, but tonight I cleaned out my kitchen of most all non-Medifast foods. I didn't do this even before when I started because I figured non-perishables could still be used when I hit Goal.

Well, I decided tonight they had to go. All I want to see is food or drinks I can have without compromising my plan!

I did leave a few paltry bits to take me through this week until my new box o' Medifast arrives - like green peas, spinach, cottage cheese, apple sauce. But once that box gets dropped on my porch, what is not eaten up is getting trashed!

Everything else...
Old skanky hummus and artichoke hearts...
Golden raisins...
Golean Crunch, Grape Nuts, Steel Cut Oats...
Full-fat mayo and salad dressings...
Couple bottles of ancient chutney...
Senior citizen age opened jam...
Frozen berries, veggie burgers, tempeh...
Flour and sugar...
Ghiradelli regular and hazelnut cocoa... (yep!)
etc, etc, etc...

Looks very spartan and zen in here now. ;) To celebrate, I am burning some wonderful Japanese incense and a couple candles.

Ommmm.... :rose:

Time to hit the sack... Good night all!
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Postby cplantho » February 6th, 2005, 9:06 pm

I think the strangest thing I found when I emptied my cabinets was a can of beef broth. Not just any can, mind you, but one with an expiration date of 1996 :shock: I must have moved with this same, little can through 2 different apartments, a townhouse and my current home. In fact, most of the garbage in my cabinets was exactly that, expired, out of date garbage. My DH and I were laughing pulling out this stuff. Looking at the bare shelves really put me in a mindset to get started. Glad you enjoyed your empty kitchen too.


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Postby smartiegrrl » February 6th, 2005, 10:50 pm

cplantho wrote:I think the strangest thing I found when I emptied my cabinets was a can of beef broth. Not just any can, mind you, but one with an expiration date of 1996 :shock: I must have moved with this same, little can through 2 different apartments, a townhouse and my current home. In fact, most of the garbage in my cabinets was exactly that, expired, out of date garbage. My DH and I were laughing pulling out this stuff. Looking at the bare shelves really put me in a mindset to get started. Glad you enjoyed your empty kitchen too.

Hahaha - right before we moved to our new place I found a bottle of *opened* liquid smoke. No Expiry and for the life of me, neither I nor my husband remember buying it, much less using it. :scratch:

Last summer we were going through the cubboards of my in-laws cabin. My husband's grandmother bought the cabin in the '60s but "fully furnished" so to speak. The previous owner left spices, dishes and other stuff behind.

Interesting items:

Saran-wrap, unopened, and packaged before there were bar codes. There is this makeup wand offer on you can send away for.

Old spices in tins. Some of these tins are dated in the 30's and 40's. There are still *spices* in them!

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Postby explorthis » February 7th, 2005, 8:46 am


Saran-wrap, unopened, and packaged before there were bar codes. There is this makeup wand offer on you can send away for.

Old spices in tins. Some of these tins are dated in the 30's and 40's. There are still *spices* in them!

Well girl, I hope you still have them. This is eBay GOLD, and probably get enough $ to pay for Medifast… <shrug> ??

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Postby smartiegrrl » February 7th, 2005, 2:17 pm

explorthis wrote:

Saran-wrap, unopened, and packaged before there were bar codes. There is this makeup wand offer on you can send away for.

Old spices in tins. Some of these tins are dated in the 30's and 40's. There are still *spices* in them!

Well girl, I hope you still have them. This is eBay GOLD, and probably get enough $ to pay for Medifast… <shrug> ??


They aren't mine, they belong to grandma.

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Postby BerkshireGrl » February 7th, 2005, 4:37 pm

Smartie, I was going to say Holy Ebay Cash Cow! too but Mike got there first :)

Maybe your grandmother would be interested in some extra mola herself. Unless of course she is still, um, cooking with antique spices ;) Bet the tins are very pretty though!

Speaking of money - I just went and got a bit of gas at the station and forgot that they put a $50 HOLD on your credit card until the charge goes through, 2-3 DAYS from now. As I found out by going to my online account center just now.

DANG DANG and DOUBLE DANG! I am SUCH a bonehead. This is the card I have to use to place my MF order, and now I am $50 short. GRRRRRRumble! Why did I not do the MF order first? Hmmm? :?

Won't make this goof again. No sir.

It's ok... I can wait 3 more days...

Deep breaths...

Who the $*%$@ puts $50 worth of gas in their car? :x

Do I drive a jacked-up monster truck complete with Tazmanian Devil mudflaps?! Noooooo... it's a tiny Ford Focus! :drive: About the size of THIS car!

Mmmmm. Ok, I think a nice mellow hot bath is in order. ;)
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Postby LadyinVA » February 8th, 2005, 6:03 am

[Who the $*%$@ puts $50 worth of gas in their car? :x

lol......Unfortunately, I do (but I have 4 kids.....their sports gear...and friends to haul around....and need a monster vehicle). It is sort of sickening!!! However, I must say that I LOVE!! my Suburban....even if it is politically incorrect.

I am sorry that you are going to have to wait 3 more days....you sound so motivated!!

Good Luck!

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Postby raederle » February 8th, 2005, 7:13 am

LadyinVA wrote:P.S. I AM FINALLY!!! OUT OF THE 200'S!!

YAY!!!! That has to feel AWESOME!!!! I'm very proud of you!!! :cheerleader: (Doesn't this split looks like it hurts??? But I guess soon you'll be limber like this, too!)

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Postby smartiegrrl » February 8th, 2005, 8:14 am

congrats for making it to onederland!!

:cleader: :cleader:

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Postby mindovermatter » February 8th, 2005, 10:32 am

Congrats LadyinVA. Great Job....Beth

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Postby LadyinVA » February 8th, 2005, 10:45 am

[ :cheerleader: (Doesn't this split looks like it hurts??? But I guess soon you'll be limber like this, too!)[/quote]

Oh Rae, you had me laughing out loud (my sick son in the other room was wondering what was so funny! At 43, I'm sure I'll never be THAT limber.....heck, I wasn't at 23 either :lol:
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Postby raederle » February 8th, 2005, 12:18 pm

Ha ha ha ha... I know what you mean! I went bowling this weekend, and I find-- perplexingly-- that my *butt* muscles seem to be hurting, two days later! What *is* that?!?! I guess it's just all downhill after 21, huh? ;)

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Postby cplantho » February 8th, 2005, 1:56 pm

WhooHoo for Shari! :yippee: Congrats on making it to onederland!!!


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Postby LongWay2go » February 9th, 2005, 7:16 am

Isn't it funny the things we find when we do the cabinet reshuffle? I have found the oddest things. I recently found a pacifier from the previous owners (I guess!).


PS - Congrats Shari! That's awesome!
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Postby MamaD » February 10th, 2005, 5:59 pm

Ahhh----- I remember 21.........................
twas a very
long time ago.................
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