by ChiNut » June 8th, 2006, 5:23 pm
Great job Lisa standing your ground. I can just picture the stare down. Your husband knows how far you have come and he knew he couldn't be responsible for you eating that fudge round.
Back when I was a kid my dad used to smoke. I remember me, my brother and my mom trying to get my dad to quit smoking. He used to smoke in the basement. My mom gave me and my brother each a cigarette and she took one too and we told my dad if he didn't quit smoking we were going to smoke all his cigarettes. I think I was about 10 and my brother was a teenager. It was brave on my mom's part to give us kids cigarettes but it made an impression on my dad and soon after he got hympmatized (sp?) and never smoked again. It also left me and my brother with the lasting impression of how bad it tasted. Yuck!