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Postby bikipatra » December 16th, 2007, 9:50 am

I am praying for you and for her. We are all part of the body of Christ so I was praying for myself too.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 16th, 2007, 11:07 am

Thank you Katie and Biki...your uplifting words lifted my spirits..i feeling a little better:+)

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » December 16th, 2007, 11:14 am

Chynna - just dropping in to give you a BIG HUG! I'm sorry to hear you are missing your Mom. I lost the love of my life nearly 6 years ago unexpectedly and there are days I miss him so much that I can hardly breathe. I hope fond memories of your Mom and happy times will comfort you today.

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 16th, 2007, 1:57 pm

hey chy, i was poppin in to say good morning (actually good afternoon) and i saw that you were feelin a little down. So now i will say...Happy Birthday Mom, it is still her birthday even if she is no longer with us. On this day, you still have the time to celebrate her life and the time you had with her physically. Don't forget that she is still with you spiritually. I know you miss her and you always will so take comfort in knowing that she's still all around you! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> big hugs to you, push out a smile. I bet mom always loved that pretty smile!

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Postby Patty » December 17th, 2007, 5:57 am

Chynna -

I understand more than I can say about your Mom :hug: It has only been a little over a month since I lost mine and I am having so much difficulty. So many :hugs: your way...

And thank you so much for stopping - your smiling face truly brightened up my day!

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Postby Lizabette » December 17th, 2007, 7:41 am

Good morning, my CHI, I just read your post this morning about your dear mom.
I'm going to send her some posies, and maybe she will stop in to visit my adorable little mom (we called her 'Dink')
and give her a blossom or two, 'cause they're neighbors, now.
I know they will love each other just like us!
btw...I love you the most!
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby DogMa » December 17th, 2007, 8:50 am

I'm a little late reading this, but I'm sorry about your mom. I lost mine almost 14 years ago, and I still have "I miss my mommy" days. Not just birthdays and holidays, but sometimes when I just want to share something with her.

I still mark her birthday in some way, usually with a special dinner or something. It really does help some.

Take care.

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Postby rodeomom » December 17th, 2007, 9:20 am

Hey there Chynna girl... I have not been around lately so I missed your post about your mom. November 25th was my daughter's father's birthday and this one was exceptionally difficult for me. I hope your spirits have risen since then!

Thank you so much for stopping by my journal. You are the first to ever check in with me when I have been absent for a short time. That was special to me. Thanks! I posted an answer on my journal so I won't repeat everything here. Just wanted to send you a special thanks here.

Blessings and joy to you today!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 18th, 2007, 10:56 am

Well, after posting in a few here this morning i thought i best get to my! I want to thank you ALL so much for such comforting words that helped me to deal with the ovewhelming sadness i was feeling Sunday with regard to my deceased mother's birthday...they really got me through the day and i even managed to conjure up a little smile for Erica:+)'s so hard when you don't physically have your mom with you, but it helps to know that i WILL see her again someday:+).

The snow has finally ended here and we're all through diggin'out WHEW!...don't know when the next one will be..hopefully a long while from now.

I'm trying really hard to acclumate exercise in my daily activities and it's coming along alright..NEVER have been a big fan of it, but when you're maintaining it DOES help to balance out things. So i'm trying work myself up from doing 30 minutes of aerobic exercise to 35, and continuing to add on minutes until i can do 45 minutes all at one time. I DO do some resistance training about 2 times a that's helping with the muscle tone...looking for a good ab exercise too, any suggestions are welcome from the exercise experts here:+)!

Ok been on this board all morning it'a get MOVING now!!!|

Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!

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Postby DogMa » December 18th, 2007, 11:24 am

The latest Prevention magazine (the one with Kai from The Biggest Loser on the cover) had a series of yoga moves that target your abdominals. I tried 'em last night. Don't know if they'll work, though, of course. I just got a DVD of yoga for abs, too.

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Postby Mike » December 18th, 2007, 12:34 pm

Even later, but trying to catch up on your journal. Hope the gloominess of the storm goes away and your spirits are lifted. Just keep your thoughts on Him and know that she is with Him... and you will see her again.

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 18th, 2007, 2:26 pm

hey chy...i am FAR from an exercise expert, but i wanted to add my 2 cents here. Try the TURBOJAM videos. They are excellent!!! I have not gotten myself to the point of daily exercise, it's still very sporadic. Turbojam is primarily standing abs and aerobics (no typical crunches). The first time i used them, i only did the "instructional" video and my abs were sore for 2 days. The infomercial says "10lbs, 10 inches, 10 days" much as i would like to believe that, i have not done it for 10 days straight yet to fully test it. Maybe i can get kym to try them with me! Also, the ZUMBA videos are great (aerobically) but turbojam REALLY targets abs/butt/thighs.

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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 18th, 2007, 10:00 pm


ANYBODY still up??? I can't sleep
It's 11:55pm

Biki where are ya??'re usually awake or am i getting your time zone wrong!

Maybe i'll go wake Lou!

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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 20th, 2007, 9:40 am

Good morning everyone!

Thanks Robin & Erica for the exercise info. and yes Rob, i remember Kal from the biggest loser..he looks great now! I will have to get that magazine. Also, what is the name of that Yoga for Abs video have and where can i get one?..ya'think Walmart's? Did you watch the BL finale Tuesday? They ALL looked soooooo GOOD!..i especially liked Julie, Hollie, and BILL:+) I just can't believe some of them actually dropped 30 pounds in a WEEK...LORD!

hey you, i don't do daily aerobic exercise either!...every OTHER day and in between try to do something with my resistance bands or my different weight dumb-bells. I have seen the TURBOJAM ads on TV and have wondered if i could really do it having had a stroke in the left side is still a little more weaker than my don't get'me wrong tho, i HAVE recovered nicely from it with MUCH rehabilitation...just still have a tinnnnny bit of a delayed gait on my left side (not seen by other's that don't know me) but it's there and i wonder if i could keep up with that fast pace?...what do you think?...however, i guess it's all about MOVING period..whether it's fast, medium fast, etc. and that's what really!

Ok guys enjoy your day today!

ChynnaGood morning everyone!

Thanks Robin & Erica for the exercise info. and yes Rob, i remember Kal from the biggest loser..he looks great now! I will have to get that magazine. Also, what is the name of that Yoga for Abs video have and where can i get one?..ya'think Walmart's? Did you watch the BL finale Tuesday? They ALL looked soooooo GOOD!..i especially liked Julie, Hollie, and BILL:+) I just can't believe some of them actually dropped 30 pounds in a WEEK...LORD!

hey you, i don't do daily aerobic exercise either!...every OTHER day and in between try to do something with my resistance bands or my different weight dumb-bells. I have seen the TURBOJAM ads on TV and have wondered if i could really do it having had a stroke in the left side is still a little more weaker than my don't get'me wrong tho, i HAVE recovered nicely from it with MUCH rehabilitation...just still have a tinnnnny bit of a delayed gait on my left side (not seen by other's that don't know me) but it's there and i wonder if i could keep up with that fast pace?...what do you think?...however, i guess it's all about MOVING period..whether it's fast, medium fast, etc. and that's what really!

Ok guys enjoy your day today!

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Postby DogMa » December 20th, 2007, 9:46 am

I'll check on the name of the video, Chynna. I got it at our big sale at work last week (we sell all the stuff people send us for review or whatever, and then donate the money to charity). I can't endorse it yet, though, since I still haven't done it. LOL

Lately I've just been doing the stuff in the magazine or just basic crunches and especially leg lifts (because my lower abs are the real issue for me). Plus my abs get a decent workout during my normal stuff, like push-ups and all the walking and running (I try to keep them engaged as much as possible).

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