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Postby rodeomom » December 12th, 2007, 7:51 am

Hey there Chynna. Wanted to say hi and thanks so much for stopping by my journal and for the words of encouragment. I had found a good combination to treat my fibro and all was going well until my doctor suggested I go off of that and try mega dosing vitamin D. He had heard that 5000-6000 mg of Vit D have been shown to help those suffering from fibro. Well, as you could see - it wasn't working. Now I am going back on the 2 Ultram for pain and a Feldine for inflamation, and Cymbalta for the pain and depression in the AM, and Ultram or even Vicodan for pain as needed through the day. I am hoping that soon I will be back to where I was when Fibro was just a nucence (sp) instead of the major pain it is right now.

Combine the fibro with the boarderline and I am basically a timebomb waiting to go off. The timer is ticking and I am trying very hard to pull the fuse before it goes off. I know that I have to keep moving - literally. If I stop, I hurt, it is just that simple. Many people here have noticed and even marveled at my physical labor that I do on the farm and can't believe that I do it. Simply put - I have to in order to fight the fibro.

Ok - enough of me - this is your journal after all. Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you will come again. Oh - by the way - you mentioned my name... rodeomom is what I am, my daughter competes in rodeo events. There are soccer moms, football mom's - I am a rodeomom.

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Postby katieb920 » December 12th, 2007, 7:52 am

Hiya my friend. Missed you terribly. Glad everyhting is a little better.

Hope you have a great holiday.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 12th, 2007, 10:38 am

Good morning or maybe i should say good afternoon everyone!!! It's 12:00pm and i just rolled out'a bed ughhhhhh! I dunno but i just didn't have the motivation to rise and shine early this morning...could very well be the weather that was the's cloudy, cold, sorta dark and a light drizzle going on:+(

Hope everyone had a good night!

Gosh Mzzzz MARY!!!!!! is soooo GOOD to see you came over to my house. I have missed you too and still continue to keep you, your precious mom, and family in my prayers to comfort you and give you strength while going through this rough period. HEY, i am so glad i was able to brighten your day or night as you say, just by showing up..i try:+) Hope to talk with you again.

OH and Mzzz KATIE...missed you terribly too my friend:+)..thank you for coming to visit. Hope you've been doing good. Everything here seems to be going fine with me except for that darn Fibro i have and that's what sometimes scares me cuz when it's too good..WATCH! You have a wonderful holiday tooooo:+))

Well, i guess this is it for now...going over to C-Gals house and some other friends..couldn't get there last night..heehee...ttyl!

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Postby DonnaS » December 12th, 2007, 1:49 pm

Chynna, Thanks for stopping over and the encouraging words. I appreciate you! Donna

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Postby CGal67 » December 12th, 2007, 1:51 pm

Hello and welcome back!! Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself!!

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 12th, 2007, 7:46 pm

Hey chynna...just popped in to say<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> and congratulate you on that shiny new maintenance medallion!

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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 12th, 2007, 8:35 pm

My PLEASURE Donna and all are quite welcome:-P

Hey Erica!! glad'ja did and here's a BIG ((((((HELLO)))))) & ((((((HUG)))))) for you:-P

Now about that's not so "new", but it does still shine..i've been maintaining for a while now..can't exactly remember when i started..if anybody here can remember please let me know. Lizabette (my sweetpea) so graciously presented me with this medallion when i first reached goal:+)...but thanks for the Congrat's anyway Erica!!...ttyl~

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 12th, 2007, 9:04 pm

oops...sorry, guess i didn't notice it sitting there before!

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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 13th, 2007, 10:06 am

awwwww, that's alright Erica!!...where were your magnifying glasses???LOL&LOL...

Good Morning everyone! It's SNOWING SNOWING SNOWING here in good ole' Upstate New York and quite beautiful i must say, something i don't say to often, especially after it gets old!
We are expecting a BIG snowstorm today into tomorrow morning. Yayyyy choir rehearsal has been cancelled for this evening and that couldn't be better music to my ears, cuz i had not learned ALL the songs i was expected to play for tonight..hmmmm
Maybe i'll go out and make a snow angel...better yet, hubby has the day off today so maybe we'll BOTH go out in the front yard and make spectacles of ourselves:+)

Hope everyone is doing well this morning physically as well as emotionally. Praying this will be a compliant day today!

Until later..have a GREAT day y'all:+))

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Postby katesmom » December 13th, 2007, 10:15 am

Hi Chy !!!

It is so good to hear from you and see you here ! Thanks for stopping by my journal... I too am thrilled it is snowing ! I'll join you and make snow angels later !

Have a wonderful day !!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 13th, 2007, 4:12 pm

katesmom wrote:Hi Chy !!!

It is so good to hear from you and see you here ! Thanks for stopping by my journal... I too am thrilled it is snowing ! I'll join you and make snow angels later !

Have a wonderful day !!

Thank you Pam:+)..i'm happy to be here again and to see you again...your avatar is soooo pretty!

Well it's 6:00pm here and i didn't do snow-angels after all, instead we had snowball fights with each other, then Nick my neighbor across the street came and joined in..FUN FUN FUN but i got so COLD:+( So far we've gotten about 6inches and there are numerous accidents and snow emergencies...all in all a great day!!

See everyone tomorrow...

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Postby Lizabette » December 13th, 2007, 6:09 pm

CHI said: Hey sweetpea! So glad everything went as planned. I told all the rest of my "angel" clan to make sure of it !
Love you bunches your Chi~

And there you are having a snowball fight, instead of making snow angels...tsk, tsk. :roll:
But thanks, my CHI, for calling on your 'angel clan', There's safety in numbers, ya know!
I love the song Tennessee Ernie Ford recorded, "Oh, Come Angel Band".
Love you the most...:heart:
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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 14th, 2007, 4:37 pm

Aw, you're welcome sweetpea!

Well nothing to interesting to report today except i got Time Warner RoadRunner for my computer and i'm totally computer ILLITERATE, and still have my WEBTV. So at times i may be asking the computer experts here (Unca, Mike, Biki) how to do certain!

The snow finally stopped late last night, but we're gearing up for ANOTHER snowstorm for this weekend starting tomorrow sometime or another...i just hope we don't lose power.

Other than that, everything is going pretty good.

Hope everyone else is doing good and having successful days in being compliant:+)


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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 16th, 2007, 8:07 am

digging out AGAIN!..had a BIG snow storm last the way, good morning to everyone. Congrat's to ALL of you losers, maintainer's and one's who've struggled to stay on plan an DID!

I'm so down this morning y'all..i miss my mother:+( today would have been her 85th birthday...maybe i could have occupied myself with playing for church this morning but EVERYTHING has been cancelled...send some cheerup my way will'ya:+)..

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!

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Postby katieb920 » December 16th, 2007, 8:26 am

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I know what it is like to miss your mother. It will be 10 years on January 17th that I lost my Mom. I miss her dearly. But you know what my friend. Your Mom is always with you. Just remember that.

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