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Postby Diana » August 18th, 2007, 9:23 am

Hey, beautiful!! I was so delighted to see your post this morning! I'm glad you had a great time on the cruise. And congrats on maintaining even on vacation!! :woohoo:

:heart: Di
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Postby bikipatra » August 18th, 2007, 10:04 am

Mike wrote:Glad you are back and you did well.
As for the pics, they appear to look good, but I would send them to unca and see if he can get them to come out a bit more clear. ;)

I agree. All but one look like you are in the witness protection program.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » August 18th, 2007, 10:49 am

bikipatra wrote:
Mike wrote:Glad you are back and you did well.
As for the pics, they appear to look good, but I would send them to unca and see if he can get them to come out a bit more clear. ;)

I agree. All but one look like you are in the witness protection program.

bikipatra wrote:
Mike wrote:Glad you are back and you did well.
As for the pics, they appear to look good, but I would send them to unca and see if he can get them to come out a bit more clear. ;)

I agree. All but one look like you are in the witness protection program.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha Biki..i must be awfully BLACK huh..LOL! I sent the pics off to Unca like Mike and you suggested..maybe he can work some magic!..maybe if they were lighter too, you might be able to see them clearer...darn'it those CHEAP disposable cameras! LOVE your new avatar!

Hey Di you sweet thing! was actually surprisingly easy to stay mostly compliant cuz i don't wanna go back to being FAT like i was..i really surprised MYSELF...and Mike i sure wish i had ordered my favvvvvorite bars (Chocolate Mint) to take along with me...will be calling!..and thanks for the boost of encouragement:+)

Oh btw Di..i LOVE yours and Miz Queenies new avatars too..quite LOVELY!

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Postby bikipatra » August 18th, 2007, 11:08 am

ChynnaDoll wrote:hahahahahahahahahahahaha Biki..i must be awfully BLACK huh..LOL!Chynna~

No, just blurry~! 8)
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Postby MerryMary » August 18th, 2007, 12:39 pm

You and hubby look so sweet together! Glad you had a wonderful cruise. I'll be going on one in October and can hardly wait! My fav pic is the one of you at the keyboard ... was it taken at church?
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Postby holberry » August 18th, 2007, 1:42 pm

Hey doll :D
glad you had a good time.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
I love the water color in the Bahamas. It is always so inviting. I bet you are glad you are on terra firma with the big hurricane coming up.
Those poor people in Jamaica, everytime a big storm comes, their homes get destroyed because they are made so poorly.
again skinny, glad you are back.
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Postby queenielou » August 18th, 2007, 7:44 pm

Hey Chynna!!! Glad to see you made it back safely and that you had a fun trip. Thanks for posting the pictures, beautiful :)
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Postby Lizabette » August 18th, 2007, 8:40 pm

I actually answered your post more or less in my journal. So well, I won't repeat it except to tell you again, I MISSED YOU!!
And love you the most! :heart:
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Postby DonnaS » August 19th, 2007, 2:02 am

Hi Chynna and welcome home. Glad you had a good time on your cruise!

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Postby ChynnaDoll » August 19th, 2007, 9:40 am

HAPPY SUNDAY my fellow shakers!! Hope you are having a nice day so far. So sorry my pics were'nt clear enough for everyone to see, but for you who WERE able to see them thanks so much for your lovely comments!..and Thank you Mz, that pic wasn't taken at church, but i WAS playing and singing for a church function. The "Host & Hostess" committee was celebrating there 15th year anniversary celebration:+) was held at "Michaels" Resturant...and YES, you and your hubby WILL have a fantastic time girl!...i know you can't hardly WAIT..October will be here before'ya know'it..LOL!..and Hol you are so abbbbsolutely right that i am so GLAD to be back on THIS soil PRAISE!!..i too feel sooooooos sorry for the people in Jamaica..they seem to get hit hard every time:+((but YES, that water in the Bahamas & Bermuda was sooooooo inviting...glad you liked the pics..and as far as being "skinny"...i'm LOV'N it :-P
and heyyy Mz Queenie & Mz Donna...thanks for the welcome GLAD to be here...glad you liked the pics Queenie:+) COULD see the pensive state of mind i was in thinking about Errin...i KNEW you would catch that...i found a very quiet area on the deck and thus started to reflect on things...there's something about being on that ocean surrounded by alllll that water, somehow helped me to better come to terms with things regarding that situation.

So ya think i looked sophisticated & sheek huh???...LOL!..i saw what'cha said in your journal about that goal pic of mine...such a kind and heartfelt comment...made me blush especially coming from ANOTHER "sheek and sophisticated" lady such as yourself:+)))..and ya know what sweetpea? i don't mean to brag but right now i'll feeling darn gorgeous!!!! know in that song "IF" "if a picture paints a thousand words then why can't i paint you"....well THAT goal pic really held WELL the context of that song because it really hasn't captured the REAL me..i'm looking a thousand times BETTER!..LOL!!...wish you could see me in person sweetpea:+)

CONGRATULATION'S to everyone who are successfully reaching there goals, and for all the newbies just starting...the program really WORKS!!!...just hang in there:+)...before long you'll be gloat'n too!!!!

I am down 2.4 pounds this week:+)

Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone!!!

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Postby katieb920 » August 19th, 2007, 10:45 am

Hiya Chynna,
Glad you had a great time on your cruise. My husband and I are thinking about taking one next year. Do you think they have enought for a 9 year old to do.
Oh by the way where is your maintenece medallion. You deserve it.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » August 19th, 2007, 11:19 am

katieb920 wrote:Hiya Chynna,
Glad you had a great time on your cruise. My husband and I are thinking about taking one next year. Do you think they have enought for a 9 year old to do.
Oh by the way where is your maintenece medallion. You deserve it.

katieb920 wrote:Hiya Chynna,
Glad you had a great time on your cruise. My husband and I are thinking about taking one next year. Do you think they have enought for a 9 year old to do.
Oh by the way where is your maintenece medallion. You deserve it.

Thank you sweetie:+)
LOL Katie i think he'll have MORE fun than you'all:+) Girl they have alllll sorts of activities for kids at all age ranges. Let me share this with night me and Lou were coming back from midnight Kareoke, actually it was about 1:45 in the morning, and these kids were on the elevator and of course INQUIRING minds such as myself needed to know why they were'nt in i said "WHERE are your parents???do yall know what time it is and WHERE are you going with that money???...they said "oh they're in the Casino and we're going to the 13th deck"..i said "well what's up there?"...they said "the Arcade"..i said "you know it's 1:45?"..they said "oh we don't ever get back to our room til' 6:00am"...i kid you not, but mostly it's a parent's haven that bring there kids and it's SAFE..this was just an isolated! You and your hubby will have a GREAT time!
Hey Katie, i didn't mean to write a book!

Now as for my medallion...somehow it got lost and i can't find! My sweetpea Liz graced me with it too awhile ago:+))...btw, thank you for the very kind comment:+))

Have a wonderful day Katie!

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Postby nickieluv » August 19th, 2007, 11:41 am


I'm glad you had a great vacation and you certainly do look slim in that goal picture! You must feel amazing! I've gotta work on staying on track so I can have my ticker read 'you've lost 2.8 pounds past your target weight' too! Of course I chould change my ticker goal so it would say that right now, but it's not the same. :lol:

Anyway, no WAY can I let you, Mike and Di be the only skinny ones if we meet in April! I've gotta get truckin'!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » August 20th, 2007, 10:26 am

IT'S BACK'IT'S BACK!!!..thank you so much my queen for writing to Unca to retrieve my Medallion for me..what a pleasant surprise! I humbly bow down to the both
of you :-P

Hey Nicks...what's up ghrl??? Oh my gosh, are we suppose to be meeting in April?? could i have missed that..hummmmm...that will be GREAT:+) I was just near you too in New York, well i was at the!..and YEAH, i do feel GOOD, and you will too girl...just keep on track like you're're doing GOOD whether you realize it or not:+)
Hope you and the baby start to feel better real soon.

Ok, have a blessed day Nickie!

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Postby nickieluv » August 20th, 2007, 10:29 am

Yeah, I guess we'll have to have a regular meet and greet since you went and took that maintenance cruise all by your lonesome! :D
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