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Postby bikipatra » July 24th, 2007, 11:33 am

DonnaS wrote:[.

Pat Benatar was fabulous and she still looked the same, except for her hair color. The venue was a blues club in Dallas and it was so nice. I have heard of BB King too but never seen a concert.

I'll be looking for your swimsuit picture in the studio. Your doing so good!

Was the venue in Deep Ellum? Your posts make homesick! :cry:
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Postby dede4wd » July 24th, 2007, 12:15 pm

Just catching up! Have a FANTASTIC TIME!

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Postby ChynnaDoll » July 24th, 2007, 6:05 pm

Heyyyyyyyy DeDe!!!..glad you stopped by:+) Where have'ya been??
Yeah, i'm out'a here Saturday to the high seas :-P Thanks for the well wishes!

Donna, if you ever get a chance to hear BB King you won't regret'it:+))

Biki..Deep Ellum?? what is it, or should i be asking where is it?

LOL Miss thang..i'll take'it...A+ that i know it's HOLA HOLA! I should have known that already, because that's how Errin use to greet me on the phone when she was an exchange student in Brazil..course the "H" is silent i'm guessing:+))

Been busy today packing...what'a CHORE that was..still have a few more things to do then i'll be done. Tomorrow i will put the perm in my hair...that's another!

I may not be back on for the remainder of the week but WILL come in Friday and give you guys a SO LONG holla!! Pray for me that everything will be safe...thanking you in advance!

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Postby bikipatra » July 24th, 2007, 11:09 pm

Deep Ellum is an area of Dallas with lots of bars, restaurants and live music.
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Postby Tawanda » July 25th, 2007, 5:55 am

Chynna, I hope you have a wonderful time while on your cruise. It is too bad that your friend isn't able to go with you--but it is nice that your husband is able to go, romantic time instead of girlfriend giggling time.

OH!! I keep meaning to ask, but always forgetting (old timers' brain) said you were a college professor for quite a few years but you never mentioned what subject or subjects you taught. What kind of a college (thinking community or university or vocational)? I find the whole idea of college teaching interesting. Needing to be smarter than all those young clever minds who are coming to be taught. The idea is intimidating as all get out to me! :lol:
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Postby ChynnaDoll » July 25th, 2007, 12:32 pm

Tawanda wrote:Chynna, I hope you have a wonderful time while on your cruise. It is too bad that your friend isn't able to go with you--but it is nice that your husband is able to go, romantic time instead of girlfriend giggling time.

OH!! I keep meaning to ask, but always forgetting (old timers' brain) said you were a college professor for quite a few years but you never mentioned what subject or subjects you taught. What kind of a college (thinking community or university or vocational)? I find the whole idea of college teaching interesting. Needing to be smarter than all those young clever minds who are coming to be taught. The idea is intimidating as all get out to me! :lol:

Tawanda wrote:Chynna, I hope you have a wonderful time while on your cruise. It is too bad that your friend isn't able to go with you--but it is nice that your husband is able to go, romantic time instead of girlfriend giggling time.

OH!! I keep meaning to ask, but always forgetting (old timers' brain) said you were a college professor for quite a few years but you never mentioned what subject or subjects you taught. What kind of a college (thinking community or university or vocational)? I find the whole idea of college teaching interesting. Needing to be smarter than all those young clever minds who are coming to be taught. The idea is intimidating as all get out to me! :lol:

Heyyy Mzz T...YEP i taught at Albany State University for 22 years and would STILL be there had it not been for my stroke in was BAD but with endless months of rehab i was able to pretty much come to full circle as far as daily living is concerned PTL.

I taught courses in the Reading & Counseling Psychology Departments. These particular courses were especially geared to incoming Freshman that had skill deficits in the area of reading, critcal thinking, test takiing, managing college life etc., and needed a bit of remediation. It's such a pity that these kids somehow managed to slip through the cracks to graduating from high school WITHOUT being FULLY equipped with the foundation needed to SUCCESSFULLY handle a four year college curriculum...some came to my classes with a reading level of 4.0 (fourth grade)...i DO hope i made an impressionable impact on there lives. I do miss teaching but am throughly enjoying being retired:+) Are you considering becoming a college instructor?...gosh you'd think i was writing a thesis here just to answer a simple question...LOL!

Take care of you:+)

Well i had a few minutes while the conditioner is in my hair to shoot over and see what's going on..not long now before i'll be basking on'a beach turning into a!

Ok, got'a go rinse now...maybe be back later! O, got'a go wish the birthday girl a happy birthday first!!

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Postby Tawanda » July 25th, 2007, 1:32 pm

Me, a teacher of college students? Nah, I'm not smart enough to feel that I could teach anyone anything. ;) I went back to school once, started a new profession but now am a hausfrau and enjoy it enough that I'll probably just do this job until I am planted. :roll:

It was just a question I thought of when you first mentioned that you were a college professor and never remembered to ask when I was posting in your journal.

The stroke must have been devastating in how much work it was to recover and then to not be able to go back to being an instructor. Big life changes........but it is wonderful that you, like myself, enjoy being a homemaker and taking care of our spouses.
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Postby Lizabette » July 25th, 2007, 9:23 pm

CHI, It's an honor to have a friend who's a brilliant, long-time college professor.
I'm so sorry a stroke stopped your career, but you came bravely through your ordeal a much stronger human being.
I knew there was something special about you! I'd love some day to meet you.
Meantime, you must take care of yourself for Lucian and Errin, and this trip should really be a blessing to you.
Love you the most, CHI. :heart:
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Postby DonnaS » July 27th, 2007, 8:13 am

Enjoy your cruise Chynna! Wish I could go but I guess I'll have to be satisfied with camping this weekend. Can't wait to hear from you when you get back.

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Postby ChynnaDoll » July 27th, 2007, 8:53 am

Well TOOOOOODLE'LOOOOO everyone! I just wanted to come by and say so long for now to you all. It is now 11:00am and i'm off to the bank!

Had a strange yet unique dream last night and Biki & Jo you are THOROUGHLY gonna love this.
..and maybe now it's a possibility i just might become one of you just on the ship tho, and for fun..LOL!....ok, i was in this jewelry shop in the Bahamas looking at some rings, and this very "cute" Bahamian man standing next to me said "oh i like that one..fits you..what is your name? and out'a my mouth flies Bikipatra and he said oh that is so unusually "unique" and different"...then I saiddddd "how do you like the name Serendipity?...and he said "o'ooooh i really like that too"..can'ya beat that?, it was just soooooo REAL..LOL!! needless to say both of you WILL be going on my cruise too...what'a dream!:+)))

and Miz my humble opinion, YES, you ARE smart enough too!!!!...i beg to diffa:+))) dosen't matter whether it's college or not gurllll:+)

and Sweetpeaaaaa..i am JUST as honored to have you for my friend/sister:+)...but as for being brilliant now that's ANOTHER story...LOL!!

Mzzz Donna...thank you sweetie:+)...camping sounds just as GOOD to me!! have FUN too!

ok guys got'a run..will write when i get back!


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Postby bikipatra » July 27th, 2007, 9:53 am

Wow! Well, you certainly used my name doing one of my favorite things, shopping for jewelry! Have a great trip and get something nice for us! :lol:
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Postby Serendipity » July 27th, 2007, 6:28 pm

Hahaha, I'm wondering if we'll be in your head while you're making food choices, hehehhhhe. It's nice to know you'll be thinking of us, chynna......have a nice soak in the hot tub in our honor. :mrgreen:
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Postby queenielou » August 8th, 2007, 10:02 am

Hey Ms. Chynna,

Just checking to see how much fun you had on your cruise :) Hope things are well at home and with your family.

Take care.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » August 18th, 2007, 9:05 am

Hi y'all! Just dropping by to share a few pics from the cruise. It was very nice, and YES i somehow managed to stay mostly compliant even without the Medifast foods...CAN be done. Hope you'll be able to open these pics for i'm trying to place them here on my own this time..if not, will send them right on over to our Unca:+)..sorry to say something happened with the one's i took in Bermuda:+(

Missed you all!, and Mzzzz FANTABULOUS Queenie thank you soooo much sweetie for checking in on very kind of you:+) Oh btw, i put a goal weight pic in too, (singing and playing at a church function)...have been swimming and walking to try and maintain it..i'm NOT really an exercise person but it's WORKING thank God, so i guess i'll! Hope everyone has been doing WELL on your individual journies:+)
Ok enough said...ttyl! Have a wonnnnderful day!!










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Postby Mike » August 18th, 2007, 9:22 am

Glad you are back and you did well.
As for the pics, they appear to look good, but I would send them to unca and see if he can get them to come out a bit more clear. ;)
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