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Postby holberry » June 12th, 2007, 8:08 pm

Dear Doll,
Oh my goodness, you have been through the ringer!
Please take care, take it slow, and get plenty of hugs.
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Postby queenielou » June 12th, 2007, 8:32 pm

Hi Chynna,

I'm so sorry to hear that such a lovely person like yourself had to go through such a horrible time. I hope that you are resting and that your body is healing itself.

Take good care of yourself, love.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » June 13th, 2007, 7:17 am

Awwww you guys are sooooo sweet...THANK YOU so much:+))

Nothing new to say except i'm still feeling a little qweeeeezy (sigh)
hopefully that'll go away soon..sure hope so.

Now i neeeeed HELP anybody!! I don't know what to eat?? Doctor took me off Medifast temporarily. I'm at the "transition" part of my journey and have the Medifast food right here but can't eat it..that really STINKS!!...wonder what would happen if i ate it anyway???...maybe i shouldn't tho..oh well!

Suzy Puzy my sweet friend..what did you/or are you eating while not on Medifast at the moment? Like you said, our cases seem to be quite similar.

Ok guys...keep shakin:+))

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Postby DonnaS » June 13th, 2007, 7:19 am

Chynna, Glad to hear your feeling a little better! The Maintenance forum has a transition guide on it.

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Postby SuzyQ66 » June 13th, 2007, 5:29 pm

Chynna - I was completely off MF and really just ate what would feel best in my tummy....I love cream of wheat so I would eat that for breakfast, then I would eat chicken noodle soup for lunch. Sometimes I had fat free sugar free chocolate pudding and sometimes sugar free jello. I remember having that nauseous feeling and like I said in a previous post - I just went with the flow and ate whatever sounded good at the time which wasn't much. Sometimes crackers seemed to help too. Once I got over the flu portion - I tried to go back on MF - but my stomach wouldn't allow it - things just started happening all over again - so I really stuck to cream of wheat, egg beaters, salads, fruits and sandwiches. I remember after several days sandwiches seemed to be really agree with me - my daughter bought me a turkey sub sandwich a couple of times and I would eat 1/2 for lunch and then the other 1/2 for dinner. This was a far cry from maintenance on MF.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » June 13th, 2007, 5:59 pm

Thank you Donna...i'll take a look at that if my webtv lets me. I think you are to eat medifast foods in transition but i can't right now, but good to know there's a site:+)

Suzy, thank you so much for spelling out exactly what you ate for me. I LOVE cream of wheat too, as a matter of fact i love everything you! Today i had some skim milk, chicken broth, and sugar free jello...that's about all i can stomach right now. I sure will be glad when this goes away.

Have a good evening you all!
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Postby Lizabette » June 13th, 2007, 6:38 pm

CHINA, in case you missed this post on my journal today, I flew it to you. :heart:

Lizabette wrote:
ChynnaDoll wrote:Hello sweetpea:+)).hi'ya doing?? I'm LOST sweetpea:+(...don't know what quite to eat while in limbo here..i'm listening to the doc like you said but tempted to eat my Medifast food anyway cuz i DON'T wanna regain that weight back..grrrrrrrr!!!!!
Anyway, just popped in to see'ya:+))
Has our Jo-boy played anymore recitals since the last one?
TTYL! Love you:+) Chynna

CHINA, First, I gotta congratulate you on reaching your goal! BIG cause for celebration!
It kind of got overshadowed by your illness, but you did it! You did it!
So now you have entered Transition/Maintenance and I hope I have the first honor of presenting you with the Maintenance Medallion!
Add it to your signature for all to see, 'cause it's yours. You earned it and you deserve it!

I hope you are feeling much better now. Oh, I totally understand your feeling about not regaining the weight!
Have you discussed this with your health advisor here (Nancy, maybe?) to give you suggestions.
Also the Transistion/Maintenance Guide may have good ideas how you can incorporate the doctor's advice with it. Have you downloaded that yet?
Your doctor should be the first to realize the importance of not adding back the weight!

You gotta let us know how that all plays out. There has to be a way!
Yes, my Joe-boy played at a concert since then and did his gramma proud.
Love ya the most! :heart:
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby Mike » June 13th, 2007, 8:05 pm

Sorry you were so ill, but glad you feel better. What I would do since your doctor took you off program right when you were transitioning.... work on the transition.
Have multiple small L&G's during your day. Fule your body so that you can get better. Don't overexert yourself. Be well.
Once you feel better and can have medimeals again, start the transition as it is in the plan... and just follow it.

You can do it, just do it by what the doc says.

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Postby Serendipity » June 14th, 2007, 9:56 am

I'm not sure I understand your doctors advice, so if I'm wrong, sorry. They took you off the Medifast program probably due to the low calorie count. There's nothing about the supplements that make them dangerous to eat. Your doctors want you to have more calories.

If it was me, I would continue to have some supplements throughout the day and add maybe another L&G at first, then fruit and dairy later. If you just go off the program and don't use the supplements for awhile it will be very difficult to keep your calories/carbs low enough to keep your weight down and to keep your tummy satisfied.

This is just my opinion and I wish you the best.
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Postby MerryMary » June 14th, 2007, 10:46 am

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Chynna, what horrible timing for your body to go haywire. Sounds like the reduced calories and hard work had a lot to do with the dehydration and imbalanced electrolytes (I always say yard work can be dangerous to your health LOL!! :roflmao: ). Still, it is a medical situation not to be taken lightly. I'm glad Lucian took you to the ER ... it was a VERY smart move on his part! Losing weight is so focal in our thoughts but we have to remember we are doing this first of all to be healthier. You'll get back on track soon. Know that I'm holding you in prayer ... :heart:
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Postby Mike » June 14th, 2007, 12:25 pm

Serendipity wrote:There's nothing about the supplements that make them dangerous to eat. Your doctors want you to have more calories.

If it was me, I would continue to have some supplements throughout the day and add maybe another L&G at first, then fruit and dairy later.

This is what I was thinking myself. Kind of like what I tell those who get pregnant, just increase the caloric intake, but you can still use the products. Thanks for that Jo.

Chynna, we just don't want to go against what your Dr. said... but ask them if what we said is okay.

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Postby DogMa » June 14th, 2007, 12:47 pm

I was about to say the same thing myself. I would talk to my doctor to clarify his instructions. (Also ... are you at goal because you've been in the hospital and sick and not eating? Because in that case you're likely to gain back a bit simply by eating normally again. It's like when you have stomach flu and lose a bunch of pounds while you're sick; they usually come back once you're back to normal. Not to be discouraging or anything, but you should be prepared for that.)

Hope you're feeling better!!

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Postby Lizabette » June 14th, 2007, 2:06 pm

CHINA, good stuff from all of the above.
You are going to do fine, 'cause you are determined and committed to holding on to your losses.
We just want you to be completely better again and back to your ole wunnerful self! :heart:
Lizabette :heart:
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OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Postby ChynnaDoll » June 15th, 2007, 9:53 am

Yesterday was the BEST day for me since i came home from the hospital..LOL! I got to TOUCH Ruben Studdard's sneakers, and SHAKE his hands while he was performing on stage yesterday afernoon...WOW!!!...OMG!!
He is sooooo CUTE and SWEET...looks like a huggable teddy bear:+)

We have something called "Alive At Five" which is Albany's free outdoor summer concert series! (here's a little bit about it)

Alive at Five, now entering its 18th season, has kept downtown Albany's spirits high after work on Thursdays throughout the summer .  The stage comes alive with music from national, regional and local artists; each night plays host to a different genre of music.  The weekend kicks-off with an early start, as many of Albany's professionals, community members and friends enjoy the diverse musical talent presented during the series. The music is not the only form of entertainment at Alive at Five as great crowd participation, dancing and people watching all make for a unique blend of concert atmosphere and hometown block party fun. Attendees of Alive at Five can also sample an array of summer favorites such as ice-cold beer, fresh squeezed lemonade, cotton candy and delicious BBQ from some of the areas favorite local vendors. Join us in the fun and music of this wonderful series that is a signature event and a summer staple in the Capital City of Albany, New York.

 June, 14 Ruben Studdard Featured Artist: 
The winner of the second season of "American Idol", Ruben Studdard's debut Album "Soulful" has sold over 1.7 million copies. Studdard's music blends R&B, Soul and Gospel and he describes his live performances as, "Coming out to my show is like coming to my house. I'll play the songs I love. It's like a party. For me, a party has all different types of music happening."
Thank you ALL for your suggestions and concerns regarding my meal intake during this hiatus from Medifast. I put in a call to the doctor's office this morning and relayed to the nurse my concerns, and also what Jo and Mike suggested about my meals. She said she would speak with the doctor and get back to me...well she did, and PRONTO too... you guys were on the money.
She DOES want me to have MORE calories, and also says i can have 3 supplements a day in addition to Yogurt (regular) eggs, 2% milk, vegetables (also including starchy ones) whole grain bread and cereal, poultry, fish, beef, etc. I am to read the labels of suggested foods and ONLY consume the "serving size" and to be VERY cognizant about that. She also said to continue to SPACE out my meals during the day as i have been already doing on the program. She said to continue drinking PLENTY of water. She is NOT condemning the Medifast program in any fact, she APPLAUDS it:+) I told her i was in the "Transition" phase now.
So now i have more of a blueprint to go by.

Robin, thanks for the warning about some possible weight re-gain..i'll keep that in check for sure!

Mary..thank you so much for such a beautiful card...that was so sweet:+))

Well it's 12:30pm...better go eat my supplement:+)



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Postby DogMa » June 15th, 2007, 10:38 am

Glad to hear you're doing so much better, Chynna!!

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