Christy's 100 day "pledge"

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Christy's 100 day "pledge"

Postby fedup » August 21st, 2005, 7:29 am

Okay, here goes! In the past I was really motivated reading the posts from members who did a 100 day "pledge" and posted each day about their exercise, MF, etc. (Remember Lois and Dutch Choc??) :) So now I'm going to really try to make such a commitment to myself this time. Actually, scratch that. I'm not going to try, I'm going to "do." (Who was it that said "their is no trying, there is doing or not doing?")

Anyway... Today, since it's weigh in Sunday, will be my Day 1. I'm still going to post other threads and all that, but I'm going to try to post here each day just to MAKE myself be accountable. I know I'm going to need to be on plan for that long, and if I need longer I'll add on time then depending on how far I am from goal, etc...

So, Day 1 so far I've had my first shake and lots of water. I'm going to hold off on the exercise for a week or two then add walking etc... I'm really feeling "scared" or "nervous" about my restart here, I think I need to really hammer it into my head that I do not want to be unhealthy and out of shape my whole life, and it is NOW OR NEVER! That's why I'm hoping my 100 day pledge will help me stay focused! It seems like forever, but it's 1 day at a time! ;)
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby Marcelle » August 21st, 2005, 7:49 am

Keep it up fedup! Your goals are great and writing them down like you did, makes for a great motivator when you need it.

You'll get there!

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100 days

Postby oregonrose » August 21st, 2005, 1:43 pm

I think it was "Yoda" that said "Do not try, Do" or something like that. I say take wisdom where you find it. I also dislike the word "should" Either you will or you wont--
I and all the folks here on the forum are here to support you and each other, You can do this! and so can I. You are inspiring me even thru your struggles. hang in there, write anytime. nancy
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Postby Diet Diva » August 21st, 2005, 2:47 pm

Hey folks!

Yes, it was Yoda...with one of my favorite quotes!!!!!!


Way to go. The committment starts right here and right now. Go for it!

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Postby fedup » August 24th, 2005, 6:47 am

Okay, obviously there are days where I'm not gonna be able to post, so today's one of those "catch up" days. School just began so it's been crazy busy these past 3 days. My days 2 and 3 were go go go. I've been slurpin my shakes. Yesterday morning I was very late with my 1st shake of the day because a parent came into school and I was tied up with an impromtu meeting, but I guzzled that shake as soon as I was able! I need to do better with my water though. I did great Sun and Mon but yesterday was on the light side.

Today is day 4- I'm still hungry... I know I can handle the physical hunger, and it'll go away soon, ;) but I really gotta work on the psychological hunger. With all the stress at work and home it's really hard not to want to eat eat eat. I'm a big comfort eater, so it's tough days right now. But, as we established that Yoda was the all knowing contributor to our quote, I will follow his guidance and "DO." I will not try, I will "do!" :lol: (But I do feel like I'm holdin' on by my fingernails, and I've got a lot more of me to hold up than our little Yoda friend did! ;) )
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby fedup » August 24th, 2005, 12:15 pm

Okay, something I forgot to say earlier that was huge motivator for me... On Day 2, my SO's mother and little sister were over at my apt. When she saw my shaker jar etc. she asked if I was doing "that" again and I said yup, and I was going to do it for 100 days. She made a big deal about how long that was and then SMILED and said "no way, you'll break it..." And her daughter said that too! Well............... I tend to nurture everyone and their dog, so people seem to think they can just say anything in the world to me... :lol: but down inside is one very stubborn woman who I don't always show to everyone... So these comments really made me dig my heels in, and everytime I'm tempted to eat or look away from my target, I'm going to remember that and say NO WAY! I realized 100% that my 100 days will end a few days AFTER Thanksgiving, (this was another topic. "cause HOW could you possibly not engorge yourself at Thanksgiving.....") Well, I'll cross the holiday bridge when it comes, but I know I can do it. (After all, they're not going to stop making pie and side dishes all of a sudden are they, it's not like I can't enjoy favorites in moderation all through the year AFTER I get rid of this excess flab! :lol:

Just a note that sometimes people's "pessimism" can be a darn good motivator!
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby Mommy2girls » August 24th, 2005, 2:19 pm

Good for you! That is a great idea to turn negativism into activism! :3head:

Are you doing the complete fast? Good luck with your challenge and you'll be smiling away all skinny at the finish line! You can DO this! :coach:

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Postby martha » August 24th, 2005, 6:33 pm


GOOD for you!!! I am sooo proud of your determination and drive to do this 100 day shallenge..YOU CAN DO IT!!! I have FAITH in you..Keep up the good work and show them all you can and will succeed :mrgreen: Have a blessed week..Martha
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Postby fedup » August 25th, 2005, 11:46 am

Day 5- Still at work, drinking my 3rd shake. I've been chilled and hungry so I had a bouillon today in between supplements and it really helped "take the edge off" and warm me up too!

Kaylynn starts Kindergarten tomorrow so it's busy tonight!
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby martha » August 25th, 2005, 11:37 pm


You are on a roll now :mrgreen: Keep up the good work.. I can't wait to see less of you each week..Martha
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where is fedup

Postby Empowered » September 12th, 2005, 8:21 am

Hey, I was looking forward to reading how you were doing one month later. I need you please continue posting. If you fell off just dust yourself off and get back on.

I am going to do 100 days to and send it to my friends everyday. Now that will be embarassing not to finish. Hopefully they will support me.

Come on Fedup. Remember what you are fedup about and start posting again.

BTW I will be starting the program next week. This will be my first time doing a commercial diet. I have tried diets on my on but never anything full fledge. So Here goes nothing.

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Postby Gwenskis » September 12th, 2005, 4:25 pm

:lol: Fedup - you rock and are a smarty pants.

Posting here is like a journal that talks back - nicely done.

You are doing it and working it out WITHOUT FOOD which is incredibly hard. Funny the things you start doing when you cannot use food as your crutch - baths, books, magazines, crafts -- dare I and exercise!!!

Remember - you and shakes ARE your friends -- and the forum too!

Way to go!!
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Postby Mommy2girls » September 13th, 2005, 12:26 pm


Oh where are you???? :you: Hope all is well. Pop in for an update when you can!

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Postby fedup » September 15th, 2005, 10:20 am

Imagine my surprise when I got on here today and saw that people had responded despite my recent absence! THanks so much! Well, I must sound like such a loser right now. I was all gung ho for my restart (again!) and I fell off the wagon (again!) If I didn't know how great you guys all are then I probably wouldn't have the guts to come clean here!

I am struggling, trying so hard. I keep messing up, and I decided I didn't want to waste time and let the whole month go by.... so here it is the 15th, 1/2 way through the month, and I'm BACK. I really really really want and need to do this. I weigh more than I ever had in my whole life, hate the way I feel and look, and want to have my health, energy and looks back! I want to be a good role model for my daughter, and have the energy to keep up with her instead of always being tired!

I need all the support I can get, so please please please everyone post often! I love reading how great everyone is doing, and soon I hope to be right there with ya! I feel like I'm at a turning point, either keep getting bigger and bigger and give up, or stop complaining and just DO IT already, lose the weight,.... the time is now. I'm FEDUP with it! Isn't that why I chose this name way back when??!! I need to stay focused on that, 'cause I'm sure not willing to just give in and keep ballooning up!

I'm going to start my daily journal over! I'm not going to say how many days to start, I'm just making the commitment to write every day and MF everyday until I'm healthy. If I have slips along the way or temptations, I'll try to write those too so I don't let it turn into a landslide!

I'm back, and I'm hanging on by my fingernails! (By the way, today is day 1, 2 shakes in so far...)
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby Gwenski » September 16th, 2005, 4:04 pm

You are so on the right track. So what if you get derailed ever so often. This is not easy. The fact that you are keeping up with posting and even admitted that you really want this. Struggling isn't the most graceful part of life but it makes the good times better.

Didn't we have to crawl before we learned to walk and run. One step, day and Medifast Supplement at a time.

You are a good roll model to your daughter by loving her and doing this for you.

You CAN do this!

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