Christmas gift

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Christmas gift

Postby Hyperion » December 19th, 2005, 7:28 am

Hi losers,

I want to share a thought with you.

I decided to start MF on october 30th, and I received my order on november 3rd. Some people told me to wait until new year, because christmas would suck big time for me.

I didn't listen to them. I ignored those sayings. I did it my way.

Today, 6 days before Christmas, I am at 38 pounds lost. At 42 pounds lost, I will be exactly at 50% of my objective. One whole half of the greatest fight of my life.

Time to choose some clothes for Christmas. Time to look at myself in the mirror. Don't I feel really good with 40 pounds lost???

I don't know if I will have 42 pounds lost for Christmas (that would be doable, but I don't know). The important thing for me is, for Christmas I am 40 pounds lighter! :D :D

To all those who are on MF, in the same situation as me, congratulations! You may choose a new year resolution now; it'll be so much better and easier to follow as you already have lost some/a lot/almost everything!

For me, this is the best christmas gift I could give myself!

Just wanted to share it with you!
Began: 2005-11-03
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Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

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Postby big ron » December 19th, 2005, 8:05 am

once we start on trying to do something about our weight isnt it ironic some of the same people who are critical of our weight can be critical when we lose? I learned a long time ago unless they have been where we are they cant really understand. You have done an awsome job and I am sure the 40 lbs weightloss is going to feel allot better than a meal or drinks may have tasted. You are an inspiration to many of us. Merry Christmas Ron :thumbig:
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Postby Hyperion » December 19th, 2005, 8:11 am

Hi Ron,

I see you just began the MF plan! Great! If you can get through Christmas challenge, then you're in for the ride to Thinsville for good :D :D

I thought I was courageous to begin MF in November, but you beginning in mid-december is a real demonstration of determination!!

And you're so right, a meal and a drink would last 3 hours, but weight loss will last FOREVER!!!! :lol: :lol:
Began: 2005-11-03
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Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

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Postby Serendipity » December 19th, 2005, 9:51 am

Hyperion wrote:Hi Ron,

And you're so right, a meal and a drink would last 3 hours, but weight loss will last FOREVER!!!! :lol: :lol:

Hey guys, I so agree with you. Where would I be right now if I had decided to start after the holidays. I would still be miserable, hating myself, hating life. I am so happy I started and now I'm losing through the holidays instead of putting on who knows how many pounds. You are right, hype, we are giving ourselves the best Christmas gift ever!

HO HO HO, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
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Postby Hyperion » December 19th, 2005, 12:51 pm


Lol nice intervention!

I think the reason why I am so insightful and intuned is that I really had a lot of trouble with my weight when I was young/teen/start of adult. I always has thought about that; my mother has weight issues, my GF now has too, my whole family...

I always analyzed the situation since those first times at elementary school when other kids would hit on me (and you know guys can be real bad too!).

Oh, about your "JUST GET IT DONE" attitude that you seem to stick with men, I can just say: it's true :mrgreen: That's how I did my first weight loss experience, though! I just think it's much more fun to exteriorize the diet than to get an agressive attitude as long as goal is not reached.

Also, when you have a GF who requires more attention, who has emotional issues relating to food, I guess you have to empathize on this situation. You know, I can tell you something about men; it's not that we don't have "feelings", it's just that we usually don't like to show them :roll:

And if you remember back at my Christmas party, I needed all of you on this forum. And you helped. That's really great; kept me on track.

I think it's more general for a woman to have a struggle with food than it is for a man; my theory is that more women will be able to empathize as they have/are living with this problem. The majority of men who don't struggle with weight loss will often have problem empathizing.

My two cents!!

Thanks Vicky by the way, your post made me laugh alone in the office :-P
Began: 2005-11-03
Finished: Never

Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

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