Thanks for the kind words Nancy.......I think you made me blush
I don't think there are too many women on the forum.........just not enough men. You are probably right........lots of guys just lurk and don't post. Heck, a few years ago, I may have been a lurker know us men, we aren't fat......uhhhhhhhhhhhh......our wives shrunk our clothes somehow.

We also tend to think (if we gain weight or notice our gut is now hiding our belt buckle), that we can take off the extra weight WHENEVER we want..........and quickly too! Of course that is not true.........but as long as we don't actually TRY to take off the extra poundage quickly.......we can still BELIEVE we could if we wanted to.
Men also are really blunt with one another. Something women don't do. By that I mean, if a guy has gained weight since the last time he has seen one of his buddies.........the first thing out of their mouth is......."Man did you ever get FAT!! What the heck happened to you". (this is expecially true if there are other guys within earshot) Then we always make up some excuse about how this or that happened and we couldn't exercise and that caused it (bearing in mnd that the person never, ever exercised in the first place). The next line is, "the next time you see me I will be down to my fighting weight" Which is probably a true statement if the person intends on becoming a Sumo Wrestler. Men never, EVER admit they have been eating like pigs, causing the weight gain. They never admit that stress or anxiety or whatever has caused them to binge and shove mass quantities of high calorie food and drink into their faces. To do so wouldn't be.........errrrr......MANLY!
As for me, just as I talked about in another thread, my ego finally made me do something about it. I just couldn't stand the gut any longer......I didn't like the way I looked. (that plus the fact I had to rush out and spend hundreds of dollars on a suit to wear to a wedding because I couldn't button the pants on any of the dozen suits I already owned

)When Heidi (my wife) started the plan, I thought "What the heck? I will do this along with her!" ....and so I did. Which was a total bonus for us both......we keep each other from cheating and have some friendly competition regarding weight loss.
Ooops, I am rambling..........and say, isn't this the "lean cuisine" thread? I better say something pertaining to cooking.
The cumin idea, was something Heidi told me to try........she is a gourmet cook and knows everything there is to know about alas, I cannot take credit for it. hmmmmmm...........or can I ?