Chili needs help

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Chili needs help

Postby twblues » March 22nd, 2005, 5:51 pm


I tried the suggestions I read here: I added beef boullion, onion, chili powder, and salsa. I even let it soak overnight, but the beans were still hard, and the taste was not like any chili I've ever had before. Any other ideas to make it tasty?
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Postby scrabbler7 » March 22nd, 2005, 6:13 pm

Hey there TWblues -- The chili was a tough one for me as well. I think the chili is one of those - you either like it or you don't medimeals. Personally, I just couldn't stomach it - but others here have it every day.

On the lean cuisine section it tells you about adding spices, onions, green peppers, celery to give it a kick. My Health Advisor also gave me a suggestion to use it ALONG with your lean and green. Use 4 oz of lean ground turkey ... while you are cooking the turkey through; cook the chili according to the package directions. After letting the chili sit for a good 5 minutes, combine it in the pan with the ground turkey and add onions, chili powder, garlic powder, celery and some chopped tomatoes or salsa. Make sure that you have a salad along with it so that you are getting in the "green" part of the lean and green.

Try it out and see if it helps you. If not, I'm sure there is someone on here who would PM you to do a trade. Everyone is real special like that here!

Hope this helps!
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Postby bk » March 22nd, 2005, 10:27 pm

i nuke mine for 1-2 minutes in the morning, and set it in the fridge to soak all day. nuke for another 2 minutes when ready to eat, and the beans are (usually!) not hard.
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Postby Laramedifast » March 23rd, 2005, 7:49 pm

hey tw,
the only trick i've found for the chili is to make it on the stove and boil the :x out of it. I also add a little bit of chili seasoning. I now actually really enjoy it!
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Postby SunnyV » March 28th, 2005, 7:02 pm

I LOVE the chili, I add the usual spices to it and yummy. However, when I was at my mother's this weekend and using her newer microwave I had crunchy beans, ewwwww. I experimented the next day and put her microwave on 50 percent power for 2 1/2 minutes, then high for another 1 1/2-2 minutes and perfection! Give it a try if you are having the crunchy bean problem....hope it helps!
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Postby dlr2424 » March 28th, 2005, 7:37 pm

Alright guys....I would probably eat dog food if it made me lose weight and maybe it's just that I don't eat gourmet but I haven't found ONE MF item yet that I haven't loved.. :eat: ....the chili was my first replacement other than a shake....I thought I died & went to heaven..... :angel: ...the apple cinn oatmeal...I savour every spoonful...I could keep going on & on...I wonder ... :?: ...Has God changed my taste buds for this journey.?...Am I the only odd one who loves this food.?..whatever the reason i'm just thankful as it makes the journey that much more enjoyable


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Postby Nancy » March 28th, 2005, 8:07 pm

Donna ~

You're a thinnin' woman after my own :heart: ~ I would've eaten cat doo if I could have lost weight doing so...

IMHO, the Homestyle Chili is best cooked in a pan on top of a real stove but I am a lazy Leopardess and hate to dirty up a pan for such a little dab so I cook several servings at once and add more chili, garlic, green onion and whatever else I happen to have around the homestead...of course a healthy dose of hot sauce or salsa...

Search around – there are more ideas.

Sunny V good idea. Bk – yeah! That’s my secret, too and I love it!
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Postby Dean0408 » March 28th, 2005, 8:37 pm crack me up!! :roflmao: Would've eaten CAT DOO addition to the regular spices (chili powder etc.), I add cummin and also those dried onion flakes to it.

Those beans do indeed take some persuadin' to soften up......that's for sure.

Oh well, if you don't like the chili........there are a lot of other things to choose from.

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Postby Nancy » March 28th, 2005, 10:57 pm

Dean, you are the :chef: Dude ~
I add cummin and also those dried onion flakes

Love ya for remindin' me about the cumin. :bib:

You must know your way around the kitchen - the only flakes my husband knows about are dandruff flakes...

BTW, I am just real happy to have ya around here. There are way too many women on the MakeMeThinner Forum. :shock:

:x Dang! They are all :devious: young and thinnin' and giving me too much :twisted: competition now.

We need some MEN! We suspect they are out there, lurkin' in the puckerbrush somewhere but we just like it so much when you write and add your comments, too. :thumbsup: Keep it up, Dean-o.
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Postby Dean0408 » March 29th, 2005, 12:28 am

Thanks for the kind words Nancy.......I think you made me blush :oops:

I don't think there are too many women on the forum.........just not enough men. You are probably right........lots of guys just lurk and don't post. Heck, a few years ago, I may have been a lurker know us men, we aren't fat......uhhhhhhhhhhhh......our wives shrunk our clothes somehow. :x We also tend to think (if we gain weight or notice our gut is now hiding our belt buckle), that we can take off the extra weight WHENEVER we want..........and quickly too! Of course that is not true.........but as long as we don't actually TRY to take off the extra poundage quickly.......we can still BELIEVE we could if we wanted to.

Men also are really blunt with one another. Something women don't do. By that I mean, if a guy has gained weight since the last time he has seen one of his buddies.........the first thing out of their mouth is......."Man did you ever get FAT!! What the heck happened to you". (this is expecially true if there are other guys within earshot) Then we always make up some excuse about how this or that happened and we couldn't exercise and that caused it (bearing in mnd that the person never, ever exercised in the first place). The next line is, "the next time you see me I will be down to my fighting weight" Which is probably a true statement if the person intends on becoming a Sumo Wrestler. Men never, EVER admit they have been eating like pigs, causing the weight gain. They never admit that stress or anxiety or whatever has caused them to binge and shove mass quantities of high calorie food and drink into their faces. To do so wouldn't be.........errrrr......MANLY!

As for me, just as I talked about in another thread, my ego finally made me do something about it. I just couldn't stand the gut any longer......I didn't like the way I looked. (that plus the fact I had to rush out and spend hundreds of dollars on a suit to wear to a wedding because I couldn't button the pants on any of the dozen suits I already owned :x )When Heidi (my wife) started the plan, I thought "What the heck? I will do this along with her!" ....and so I did. Which was a total bonus for us both......we keep each other from cheating and have some friendly competition regarding weight loss.

Ooops, I am rambling..........and say, isn't this the "lean cuisine" thread? I better say something pertaining to cooking.

The cumin idea, was something Heidi told me to try........she is a gourmet cook and knows everything there is to know about alas, I cannot take credit for it. hmmmmmm...........or can I ?

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Postby Nancy » March 29th, 2005, 12:41 am

so alas, I cannot take credit for it. hmmmmmm...........or can I ?

Yeah, sure ya can! Cuz we want ya to keep cumin back here to the Forum!

Loved your story! :hatch: Cracked up about the comment with the Boyz about the wife shrinking your husband always pulled that one on me during his former foody days...

Betcha you're gonna look rad in the dozen suits you already own, too. The Billy Big Boy suit can be passed on to others undergoing the thinnin' process, too.

BTW, sometimes we SO NEED BLUNT Talkers! Really Need 'em!

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Postby Dean0408 » March 29th, 2005, 12:57 am

BTW, sometimes we SO NEED BLUNT Talkers! Really Need 'em!

Sometimes you must be BLUNT to make a POINT!

As Dr. Phil once said, "If you don't get real about being fat...... you'll be REALLY fat"

Your total committment to losing weight PLUS Medifast EQUALS a slimmer, healthier you.........ya need both or the other alone won't cut it.

( there ya go Nancy..........two blunts!)

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Postby Nancy » March 29th, 2005, 1:03 am

Thanks for that, Dean.

It is right - on!

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Postby doglover » March 29th, 2005, 7:27 am

I second the motion that it is really fun to have the testosterone on the forum! We love you Dean. No offense Unca, we just don't get to see you often!! And it is so funny about the shrinking clothes! My husband has a 12 yr old shirt that he was sure shrunk 2 months ago! It was so funny I laughed about it for days!

However, when I began MF he decided to do Slim Fast (I don't share very well!) He dropped 10 lbs like a hot potato and is back to his 5'10" 185 lb self in no time! Geesh. But now he is eating so healthy and really doing great.

Thanks for the bluntness Dean. As for this being "lean Cuisine" section - I don't even know what cumin is! That shows you how much I know about cooking! I don't even doctor up the MF meals. I did get some syrups and add them occassionally, but not often. I love them just like they are and I also know so little about spices and such that I wouldn't even know where to begin!

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Postby Dean0408 » March 29th, 2005, 7:51 am

Hey there doglover,

Cumin is a common spice that you can get at any grocery store in the spice section. Chili powder has some cumin in it already, but adding extra cumin really jacks up the flavor of the chili.


Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum, a member of the parsley family. The Cumin plant grows to about 1 to 2 feet tall and is harvested by hand. Cumin is a key component in both Chili Powder and Curry Powder.


The flavor of Cumin plays a major role in Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indian cuisines. Cumin is a critical ingredient of chili powder, and is found in achiote blends, adobos, garam masala, curry powder, and baharat.


Historically, Iran has been the principal supplier of Cumin, but currently the major sources are India, Syria, Pakistan, and Turkey.


Superstition during the Middle Ages cited that Cumin kept chickens and lovers from wandering. It was also believed that a happy life awaited the bride and groom who carried Cumin Seed throughout the wedding ceremony.

Well ladies, as you can see, cumin has magical powers. If you are plagued with wandering lovers............or worse yet, wandering chickens...........simply sprinkle some cumin on em' when they ain't lookin! :thumbup:
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