I was having some trouble with the chili, getting the beans to not be hard. Yesterday I had the idea to mix my chili with a bit of water and leave in the fridge overnight, you know like we used to soak the navy beans before making ham & beans with them?
So I just mixed a packet of chili with about 4 oz of water in a shaker and left it in the fridge. This evening I heated up a couple of ounces of water (and put my onions in there to cook a bit too), stired it into the chili with some salsa and warmed it all up. Turned out great. The beans were nice and soft, the pieces of beef actually tasted like beef......the chili generally had a much richer taste.
Oh, and another nice thing was it only took about 90 secs and it was ready to eat, no waiting for the beans to soften or for it to thicken up. I'll be able to mix it ahead of time and take with me for dinners at school now since I have access to a microwave.