Chicken/Chili/Pudding/Shakes/Bars to trade LIST UPDATED 7/31

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Chicken/Chili/Pudding/Shakes/Bars to trade LIST UPDATED 7/31

Postby nickieluv » July 29th, 2008, 6:21 pm

I have the following to trade. Some are expired - can't find a date on the bars - but it's all powdered so really, does the expiration date matter? It doesn't matter to me so if you have expired stuff you want to trade, I'm fine with it. :D

Chicken and Wild Rice -
6 packets 12/08/07
5 packets 12/28/07

Chili -
12 packets 11/2/09

Chocolate Pudding -
3 packets 11/2/09

I am willing to trade for just about anything, also willing to try things I haven't had yet (momentums, crab soup). I like the chocolate mint bars, fruit and nut granola bars, smores bars, swiss mocha, strawberry, chocolate, and orange cream shakes. I do not like the eggs, though. Just ask I guess and I'll let you know if I'm willing to trade for it.

Hope there are some takers out there. I was going to just wing it with what I had but I figured I might as well try to get things I'd enjoy more than this stuff (which I can stomach but don't really love). Thanks.
Last edited by nickieluv on August 6th, 2008, 4:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby nickieluv » July 31st, 2008, 6:33 am

Some bars are gone but I still have a lot to trade - I'm begging you....
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Postby nickieluv » August 4th, 2008, 6:14 am

Just bumping this up as I edited the list again - any chicken lovers, please, help me get rid of this. :roll:
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Postby KellyC » August 5th, 2008, 8:28 pm

Nickie, I just saw you reply in my other thread.. I will take all your chicken noodles, the list in my other thread is up to date, just tell me what you want. I think it is all before expiration but some are in boxes I never even opened to check.. all of it was received this year though, so it should all be good.

Anyways, PM me if you want to trade and what for and I'll pop it in the mail ASAP.. but just a warning, people have complained of long shipping times out of Canada, upwards of 2 weeks.
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Postby nickieluv » August 6th, 2008, 4:48 am

Thank you Kelly for taking the chicken noodle! Now if I can just find someone who wants chili.... ;)
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Postby worldawind » September 24th, 2008, 10:56 am

I also replied on the other thread. I love chili. PM me.

I also like chocolate pudding.

Interested in selling let me know.

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