Chicken Allergy?

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Chicken Allergy?

Postby Jims Chick » March 10th, 2004, 9:29 am

Has anyone ever heard of a chicken allergy. I think I may be developing one. Every time I eat chicken it feels like my throat is closing up. I have no other symptoms that you think you would have with a food allergy. This problem started several months ago and has become progressively worse. I don't actually know if my throat is closing up, it feels more like there is a giant lump in my throat. It only happens when I eat chicken. I do not have this problem with chicken boullion, or any of the Medifast chicken soups. Maybe it's a preservative or some kind of injected hormone????????? I even switched brands of chicken and still had the same thing happen. Anyone have any ideas or has anyone ever heard of anyone with a problem like this???? I'm thinking maybe I should go to an allergist or something.
Julie :help:
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Postby elle4nelly » March 10th, 2004, 11:38 am

Quit eating it!!!!!!! if you're having chicken bouillon and chicken soup..I doubt you are allergic to it. It could be anything and even psychological! I have the same reaction to turkey everytime I went on this supervised diet that required for me to eat only turkey. fish and chicken cooked with absolutely no oil and no skin + steam veggies and 1 fruits. Lost tons of weight because I stopped eating alltogether!!!!! I couldn't get that baked fat free crap to go down my throat!!!!!!!! I would gag and and end up surviving all day on veggies and 1 fruit!!!!!
And I do admit on medifast I feel the same way about fish and turkey still!!! I cannot and will not eat bake fish or turkey....i rather puke!!
I probably will if i try!!

BUT to be on safe see your doctor jsut to make sure it is not physiological...That you do not indeed have an allergy!!!
Don't fool around with your health....

Hope you get resolve on this soon...until then..keep shakin'

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Postby Guest » March 10th, 2004, 3:51 pm

I'm pretty sure I'm not psycho about chicken. It was happening before medifast. I'm thinking it's some kind of preservative or something that's getting me. I've suddenly developed an allergy to the hair dye my hair dresser uses as well. I don't know what is going on with me.
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Postby elle4nelly » March 11th, 2004, 9:43 am

Go see a doctor. It would be safer to get an idea of what you're allergic too. It really isn't fun to have reactions to common things. Until then I'd quit eating chicken alltogether. I really hope you find out so you don't keep coming in contact with something that makes you feel bad!

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Postby Jims Chick » March 11th, 2004, 2:41 pm

hey, it just occured to me....maybe I'm not fat at all.....maybe I'm just allergic to food...... and I'm swollen :nutz:

probably not huh......
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Postby elle4nelly » March 12th, 2004, 9:24 am


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Postby shineface » March 12th, 2004, 4:55 pm


Steamed or baked chicken - if you'll excuse me...SUCKS ---It sticks in my throat everytime and I know I am not allergic!!! It's dry and it just won't go down --- turkey and fish are easier although I did have a Mahi-mahi incident I won't go into -- it was just OVER-COOKED. SO --- I'm with Nelly ----SKIP EATING CHICKEN!!!! No great loss (get it?)

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it's not that uncommon being allergic to chicken

Postby victor » December 18th, 2004, 2:00 pm

i'm also allergic to chicken. my throat also swells up and i break into severe itching. for a long time, i thought it was always something else. it wasn't until i saw a doctor overseas that properly gave me the diagnosis. since then i've avoided eating any chicken, chicken by-products, chicken broth, or anything of the like. one who is allergic to chicken would also be prone to allergies to turkey, duck, and all other forms of poultry. and this is also pertained to free range chicken. i know that in america, the general belief that chicken as white meat is much better for you than let's say beef, well that's not the case if you are allergic to it. my suggestion is to substitute chicken with fish, sometimes it can have a similar flavor if not better, and it's not a red meat either for those concerned with their cholesterol level and whatnot. often times i've been frustrated that i can't eat chicken, which is the mostly widely popular meat here. but i've learned to look on the bright side with parody, if you are really what you eat, and chicken is the dumbest animal in the world, then?
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Postby Guest » December 19th, 2004, 12:34 am

Jims Chick ~

I haven't known anyone that is allergic to chicken but do know of people that have trouble swallowing dry food. I know of a man that choked on turkey and needed the Heimlich maneuver. He now is unable to eat turkey because of an aversion to it. You said that you can eat the Medifast chicken soups, is that right?

I agree, I would see an allergist and Victor, I liked your comment about the chicken's lack of intelligence!

BTW, there are times that I get tired of chicken and almost feel like I walk like a chicken! We often have grilled lean pork chops, pork roast, shrimp, salmon, halibut, tuna and other fish.

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Chicken Allergy

Postby kellie1967 » February 3rd, 2005, 4:08 pm

My son is allergic to chicken...and of course eggs...I think the two go hand in hand. :) He doesn't get a severe reaction...just a itchy throat. I have heard that these mild symptoms can snowball after a while and one time he may have a bad reaction. He is also allergic to tree nuts and bananas, and potatoes.
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Postby Guest » July 29th, 2005, 7:04 pm

My son is also allergic to chicken and turkey but doesn't have a problem with eggs. He has a reaction right away if he eats chicken. He feels like his heart hurts. I have written a doctor to find out why. My son is 26 now and it still bothers him, I thought maybe he would of out grown this but he hasn't. I don't know what is in the chicken that causes this so if I find out I will let you all know. Or you all let me know. OK
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Postby DogMa » July 29th, 2005, 8:21 pm

Sounds like a doctor's visit is definitely in order. And BTW, you wouldn't get a reaction to the Medifast "chicken" products because they're made with soy.

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Postby Jan » July 29th, 2005, 10:26 pm

Hey there,
Chicken huh?? Remember some parts of chicken have more fat then some cuts of beef. For example, Chicken legs and thighs are quite high in fat. Look for the cuts of beef that say "loin" they are pretty lean. Same goes for pork, loin is lean. I think we all get tired of chicken sometimes but I don't know anything about chicken allergies. Head off to the allergist for that one. I know it's pretty dangerous for you throat to swell!!
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chicken allergy

Postby davis » August 9th, 2005, 6:41 am

I have gone to the emergency on least 2 occasions in the past 13 years because I am allergic to chicken. I really don't miss it because I do not like chicken. However, I have always disliked chicken since I was a child because it made me sick every time I was forced to eat it. And believe me, I only ate when I was forced to eat it. Everyone assumes that everyone likes chicken. But as I got older my allergic reaction to chicken became worse. I can't be in the same room where chicken is being cooked now. I recently mistakely ate a polish sausage with chicken products in it and immediately had a severe allergic reaction that required emergency medical attention. So, if you began to get these signs they are a warning for you and believe me they will only get worse each reaction. Usually if you can not eat chicken you can not eat other poultry such as turkey and duck. There is no need to see a doctor because they can not determine what you are allergic to, only you can. Stay away because reactions can be deadly.
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Chicken Allergy

Postby Jan » August 9th, 2005, 8:39 am


Allergies are certainly nothing to fool around with. I think the only reason everyone was suggesting seeing an allergist is because yes, you know you are allergic to chicken but sometimes other things may trigger the same reaction. Better to find out. I know they do that horrible needle testing. I've had it done. Yipes
We had a horrible experience just lately. Our daughter has a very large dog -- English Mastif / Black Lab. Bred that way on purpose. Anyway her room mate has a purebred Dalmation. Both dogs ate bits of crab cakes.
The Dalmation was fine -- no affect -- but Heidi ended up in doggy ICU for 4 days. Her legs were like jello -- paralyzed -- her breathing compromised, her mouth was swollen as was her tongue. Now the vet tells us any kind of sea food will most likely kill her. Just a lick -- so we never cook any when she is around. You are absolutely correct the second reaction is almost guraranteed to be more severe. Good luck and read very carefully. Chicken is used as a filler in many products. But, at least it must be listed as an ingredient.
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