
All that hard work and now what? Let's talk about how to keep those pounds off...


Postby explorthis » February 3rd, 2004, 12:30 pm

I was posed with the following from a great friend that is losing a substantial amount of weight. This person is in the exact same boat as all of us. This person will see this post and any replies given it. I was granted permission to post it. I thought it was ALL of us.

Last week at work there was a birthday thing for a co-worker. There was cheesecake. There is still leftover cheesecake in the fridge. I have to go in the fridge to get my shakes, and every time I open the door, there it is. I just look at it and sigh....

WHY is this bothering me so much? I just want it OUT of there. I don't want to have to look at it every time I open the fridge. Last week I had to ask my co-worker to get it off the kitchen table, since I have to go in there to get my water. Some days, it is just too much. I'm not giving in, but at the same time, I'm feeling a bit tortured.

I look at this from 2 different views.

Old view:

Wheather it’s a health one, or a vanity one. I was NEVER one to look at a portion, plate, serving, buffet, or a tractor scoop full of food as a hindrance. When I went out to a restaurant, the first thing I looked at, was “what can I order, that is the largest portion” I NEVER saw food as a health issue, or that I could possibly get larger than I already was. I was large, and I was not going to get small, so why worry about getting larger? I see a piece of this or that in the fridge, and not wonder why it is there, weather it is temptation or waiting for some unsuspecting person to grab it, I just grabbed it, thus I GAINED WEIGHT!

New view:

Now its fun. I look at temptation as fun, challenging, and free money in my pocket. I like to know that I can resist these things with no fear that they will not be there in the future. If I opt to have that piece of cheese cake, I can do this anytime I choose. I like to look at them as the “past me”, knowing I have gained self-control, and I can actually (easily) resist them without feeling I am missing something. I know my strength has paid off with substantial weight loss. I know there is life after temptation. (leftover cheesecake) That standing strong to my willpower has paid off. I have forever lost this weight that has haunted me for 42 years. I have experienced the EUPHORIA of knowing that it feels like to be almost thin for the first time in my life. To me it is euphoria.

I am vain, maybe it’s because I am a Man, and maybe it’s because of my personality, who knows, and who cares? I sure don’t. I feel I deserve it. All I know is this is what I want. I like this feeling. Am I healthy? I think so, so much that my physician has written down this site address, and took Nancy’s phone number, because he is so astonished with my progress. He has access to Optifast (via Kaiser) but he has told me negative things about the Doctor’s visits etc.

I feel good. I feel great. I like the feeling. Again, I am the same person, but I see me through a different set of glasses.

If I can do this, so can you. SO CAN YOU. Resist that piece of cheesecake. Resist that one item that turned into two, three, and four things that got us here in the first place. I love the fact that I have gained control over this, and I never want to go back to the old way.

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Re: Cheesecake

Postby Jeanette » February 3rd, 2004, 12:41 pm

I love the fact that I have gained control over this, and I never want to go back to the old way.


Neither do I Mike...neither do I....

Thanks, as always!!
Jeanette :star:
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I understand the torture

Postby HD » February 3rd, 2004, 8:36 pm

I can understand the cheesecake and being in a situation close to that, I found I had to quickly find an exit. At work people will say "Oh come on one bite won't hurt you" My reply was Gotta Go.
I know that sounds whimpy but at the time I felt hungry and really did need to go. I'll be so glad when I can gain the strength you have and laugh in the presence of food. I know I have no excuse for taking one bite and I will work on conditioning my brain to be brave but sometimes my stomach wants to have a mind of it's own :x
This evening is a rough one but I will get through it! I want to lose the weight for myself and I have to lose it for my daughter. She is to a point of considering the stomach surgury and it terrifies me. I've ask her to consider the medifast but she has tried so many things and thinks it will be a flop. So the pressure is on and I must save my heath as well as my daughters. Keep posting Mike, It really does help when my doubts run high (it's my stomach trying to be the brain).
Your posts can have so many effects on people, it's either "snap out of it"
"I feel your pain" or "Go Girl" each have been the boost we have all needed at one point or another. Thank You
Jackie (HD)

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Postby Unca_Tim » February 3rd, 2004, 10:56 pm

I'm gonna move this into the "Maintenance" room. This is the very heart and soul of maintaining your weight. This is more important than Medifast, "diets" and all the struggling and hurdles it takes to get to a healthy weight again. You're really ready for this now. You've fought the real tough physical battles and nearly have the war won.

You're the prime example of what we're trying to accomplish here. Medifast can get your body over the finish line, but along the way you have to prepare your mind for the finish line. See thin, think thin, then become thin. You've not only became physically thin, you're becoming mentally thin now. Way to go bud....fantastic voyage....:)
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Postby moutoncove » February 4th, 2004, 5:30 am

"I feel good. I feel great. I like the feeling. Again, I am the same person, but I see me through a different set of glasses."

And you look good too Mike. You are in one awesome spot. I think its a place we all are wanting to achieve. To be totally happy with one self is got to be the best place a person can be.

Keep posting. You say what every one needs to hear. I can feel your excitement - like you want to shot on top of a hill and let the whole world know. You are a great inspiration to all. I'm so happy for you.

This is just day 2 for me but by God after reading this I WILL BE 150 - AND HAPPY - AND THIN - FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL! I'M GONNA HAVE SOME NEW GLASS


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Postby finalstraw » February 4th, 2004, 7:17 am

You are correct Mike,

My main goal is to finish up in 5-7 months with a new look at food. I am working on myself through this, so that I realize my addiction to food is just that. Over the past few weeks, I have come to have more compassion over friends that can't quite seem to quit drinking or smoking, or any of the other things in our lives that become addictive. Just yesterday, I saw a commercial and wanted the food so bad, backed up and worked on myself - I did not need the food, I WANTED the food. Food is an addiction for me.

Like Mike said, I have to learn control over my desires, therefore giving me power over them.

I love the fact that I have gained control over this, and I never want to go back to the old way

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