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Postby smartipantz » January 18th, 2006, 8:04 pm

I think I might have made a mistake........ but maybe not.

Today at lunch, I went out for lunch and figured I'd have my lean and green meal then. I ordered 1/2 chef salad and half way through I noticed I was eating cheese as well as lean mean (duh! chef salad has cheese on it).

I went to my book and it doesn't list cheese in the "lean meats" but it does say that vegetarians may substitute 1 cup low-fat cheese.

I don't plan on doing this often, but is it allowed. I'm not sure it was low fat cheese but it wasn't that much of it either.
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Postby Nancy » January 18th, 2006, 10:18 pm

Hi, Smarti ~

Well, most likely you didn't have low fat skim milk cheese in that salad today but just chalk it up as a learning lunch and next time you'll be able to look for something else or request no cheese on your salad.

Generally restaurants do not serve "diet" cheese.

Mozzarella and swiss is usually lower in calories than cheddar. We need to watch the carbohydrate, fat, and calorie levels of cheese.

Cabot is a brand name of cheese that is considered "diet" cheese and can be used as the 1 c of low-fat cheese.

We may have 1/2-1 cup of low fat cottage cheese.
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