by Nancy » March 29th, 2006, 12:20 pm
Yup, ya can use cheese. If you do a search using the search feature, you'll find other postings I've made regarding cheese.
I occasionally use Lisanatti Soysation soy cheese. It actually melts. Many of the low-fat versions of cheese are very rubbery and frankly do not tastes too cheesy to me, more like plastic.
I love the jalapeño (it is VERY hot!) and the garlic and herb is great, too.
The fat content is a little high. Even though I am on maintenance, I do not use cheese very often. My Daddy and Granddaddy had a massive heart attacks, I have eaten enough cheese and butter in my lifetime for several generations to come so I avoid fats and artery-cloggers as much as possible.
I never used cheese of any kind during the weight loss phase. If it was not on the approved vegetable list or the meat list, I did not eat it.
I know that there are readers who want to enjoy the food journey as they reach their goal.
I just was so desperate to lose weight that I was willing to make some major changes in the way I view food as well as in the kinds of foods that I eat.
I decided for the last time that I would never travel the path of yo-yo dieting again. July 15th, 2002 was the last time I went on a weight loss program. To keep it off, I choose foods that are heart-healthy and that keep me lookin’ and feelin’ great. I don’t need those former foods any more.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit