To those of you who asked, I want to say that I had lost close to 50 pounds when I first began. What happened is that I let the end of a 7 year relationship take me to a place of turning to food for comfort again. That led me to the apathetic place of just not caring and back on the rollercoaster of overeating.
So, now I am finally reading the book Nancy recommended before...Life is Hard, Food Is Easy...this deals specifically with emotional eating which I truly NEED to read and grasp so I can be totally successful this time.
I am still doing my yoga on Saturdays but have also begun going to Curves 3 times a week
to take advantage of the 30 minute aerobic workout and stretches.
More than anything, I want to feel better. Today I had to use my cane due to a knee problem and I just feel like, I choose today to use the tools god has given...I believe Medifast, Terry and Nancy, (and UNCA!!) and this make me thinner forum to be those tools. So...I look FORWARD to feeling like I did when I had lost my first 50 pounds...and then I will go on with the next 50!! But, right now today...I am doing good and I just keep telling my body to hang in with me ONE MORE TIME and that we WILL feel better again!! Hope you all are doing great today...
Lisa in Dallas