Checking in

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Checking in

Postby bear45 » January 15th, 2006, 5:55 pm

Just wanted to check in with everyone...I restart my MF tomorrow...I have alot of weight to lose and am going to try to focus on just one pound at a time. I have had another 'head on collision with reality" in that my doctor has gotten pretty serious with me about my weight. And now along with the high blood pressure (I am on meds daily now for this) and high blood glucose (been classified as "prediabetic") I am having some pretty significant heart irregularities.
So...I will rejoin again and start in the morning...just checking in. Lisa in Dallas
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Postby Jan » January 15th, 2006, 6:18 pm

Hi there,
You must have a caring Dr. I know it is not easy to be told that your weight is causing problems but that Dr. must care enough about you to be that honest. Some just order medications and say nothing even they know what is the root of the problem. Don't worry you will do well. The pounds will come off. Just think you'll be happy and so will the Dr. :D
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 15th, 2006, 6:47 pm

Hi Lisa,
Wish the circumstances were a little different, but it's good to see you back.

Keep us posted....:)
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Postby DogMa » January 15th, 2006, 9:27 pm

Welcome back! May I ask why you left in the first place? Had you been on a while, or just a short time? My main concerns have always been long-term success, so I'm a little nervous about the number of recent returnees. How far did you get the first time and why did you stop?

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Postby ljm498 » January 16th, 2006, 11:42 am

Welcome back Lisa! You know the program works and your Dr. will soon be singing your praises!

Good luck!

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Starting Over

Postby bear45 » January 16th, 2006, 6:31 pm

To those of you who asked, I want to say that I had lost close to 50 pounds when I first began. What happened is that I let the end of a 7 year relationship take me to a place of turning to food for comfort again. That led me to the apathetic place of just not caring and back on the rollercoaster of overeating.

So, now I am finally reading the book Nancy recommended before...Life is Hard, Food Is Easy...this deals specifically with emotional eating which I truly NEED to read and grasp so I can be totally successful this time.

I am still doing my yoga on Saturdays but have also begun going to Curves 3 times a week
to take advantage of the 30 minute aerobic workout and stretches.

More than anything, I want to feel better. Today I had to use my cane due to a knee problem and I just feel like, I choose today to use the tools god has given...I believe Medifast, Terry and Nancy, (and UNCA!!) and this make me thinner forum to be those tools. So...I look FORWARD to feeling like I did when I had lost my first 50 pounds...and then I will go on with the next 50!! But, right now today...I am doing good and I just keep telling my body to hang in with me ONE MORE TIME and that we WILL feel better again!! Hope you all are doing great today...
Lisa in Dallas

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Postby peaches » January 16th, 2006, 6:38 pm

I am a returnie I do not know about any one else but I was just stupid for not getting to my goal I had lost 60 pounds I felt so good I got off all my medications and my knees quit hurting and I thought the program was getting to expenive for me was I ever wrong I started eating all the wrong stuff gained most of my wt. back and now I am back on my meds. but not for long I learned a great lesson at my own expence. so do not worry just stick to the program no matter what and you will be a winner.
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Postby peaches » January 16th, 2006, 6:41 pm

sorry I was answering dogma
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Postby DogMa » January 18th, 2006, 11:35 am

Thanks for sharing your experiences, you guys. My biggest fear is backsliding either before I reach goal or afterward (like nearly everyone here, I've lost weight and gained it back before). I'm hoping your experience can help all of us avoid the same pitfalls.

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Postby Mommy2girls » January 19th, 2006, 2:52 pm

Welcome back. i think a lot of us have been there before (weight loss and then gain!) and my response is that it really doesn't matter how you lose the weight, it's keeping off that is hard work...

BUT you can do it, others have done it and you will succeed too. Just believe that you can...

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Postby Gwenski » January 19th, 2006, 10:21 pm


Welcome back! Your doctor cares enough to crash reality into you - it hurts but clearly, it woke something up in you that has been hitting the snooze button.

Make that whole Don't Mess with Texas to include Lisa in Dallas and her Medifast. You know that is will work and also relieve so many of your current medical conditions. Then add, Nancy, Terry, Unca and this forum into that mix and you have no choice but to become a shadow of yourself.

So, with that said, see you to the first 50 and the next 50 cause it is SO going to happen for you!

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