Hi, Krandle and welcome back!
You didn't CHEAT per se, Kiddo. I'd like to see that serving of vegetables to balance your semi-puny protein portion.
The first few days can be
hard for some of us and if you need a little something more, it is always best to choose a nutritionally balanced Medifast meal replacement and that's exactly what you did.
If your day is especially long, sometimes a 6th supplement is needed. I have had some really long days recently - up at 6:20 AM and go-go-go all day until 2:30 or 3 AM. I have Chai Latte or oatmeal just before I hit the hay and I had a snack at 10 PM, too.
You will get through the
first few days and soon be on to week two.
I see that 70 pound weight loss and I am just really truly pock-a-dooly happy for ya, Krandle!