Chat Schedule

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Chat Schedule

Postby Mike » June 28th, 2008, 12:23 am

My wife and I were thinking :scratchhead: (she actually came up with the idea :idea:) that it would be great to have some scheduled chats on here. :puter: We have the ability by using the nice chat button that Unca got placed on here :yes: (its the little lady above that says LIVE CHAT).

Given our schedules, we were thinking of hosting chats ourselves and were in hopes that others here would come join in. :secret:

Here is the schedule that we came up with for us: Mike - Tuesday evening at 7 PM. Diana - Friday morning at 8 AM (both are Pacific Time).

Please let us know what you think :cool: :idontknow: :whoohoo: :aarggh: , if you would like to come join in :partytime: , and also, if you would be interested in hosting a chat yourself. :yourock:

I'm going to post this in What's Shakin' also. You don't have to respond in both places. ;)

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