changing habits

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changing habits

Postby LAwoman » January 24th, 2006, 6:17 pm

Good afternoon all,

Well, for the next three weeks I am in meetings all day long, and do you know what they bring to all these meetings? (caution: the following list may tempt you ;) ) donuts, cookies, muffins, fruit cups, hot chocolate, cakes, dishes of candy and nuts, bagell & cream cheese, cheeses...

Of course I am tempted, but second day into the meetings and I've been completely MF compliant.

What's helped?

Well, first, wanting to stick to MF and reach goal is a biggie. I'm tired of restarts and am only interested in being at my goal weight this summer.

Also, I started reading Life is Hard, Food is Easy last night. I've only read one chapter so far, but fortunately, it was the one that helped for today. She writes about some of the different reasons we eat, ie. taste and texture. She suggests imagining eating a particular food you might crave, go through the motions in your head, feeling the texture of the food and what it tastes like, as if you're really eating it.

Well, a guy came back to the table next to me with a donut and coffee, so the woman next to him went and got a donut that she slowly began to break apart and eat, followed by everyone else going over to the table to get some morning snacks. So I just sat there and imagined the taste and texture of the donut in between sips of my coffee. By the time I finished my coffee I couldn't remember if I felt like I had eaten a donut or just no longer craved one, but I no longer wanted a donut.

(Did I mention I sat at the table farthest from the food table intentionally, brought all my MF meals with me and a gallon of water?)

The rest of the day I was very aware of how food is so mindlessly consumed. (I'm not saying this with judgement about anyone at the meeting, it was more of an observation about how I would have acted without MF right now.)

As more and different foods were brought to the room, people who had already eaten kept getting up to try new foods. After lunch, when everyone had already eaten, snacks were passed out at each table to "keep everyone happy" for the rest of the meeting. People just kept finishing the snacks they kept placing at the table. The people leading the meeting constantly reminded us to go help ourselves to the food.

I became so conscious today of just how much we use food in our society, and the ease in which we can obtain processed foods, to dull our senses.

Weightloss is a really great challenge. I don't say this to discourage anyone. In fact I say it to congratulate all of us in overcoming the many obstacles and challenges we face. Changing our eating habits can truly be daunting since we have to first deal with our own personal habits, cravings, demons. or whatever on top of the many outside forces like numerous restaurants we drive by each day, commercials and advertisements, "well-intentioned" people, holidays, stores...

So keep up the good work everyone. Changing our habits isn't easy, but MF sure helps.

I'm off to read another chapter, I have a feeling I may need it for tomorrow. ;)
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Postby stelar » January 24th, 2006, 6:43 pm

:woohoo: Happy dance :dance: awesome discipline :yourock: encore :bravo: you are a success story in the making! :ukulele: That's got to feel :shades: too cool! Enjoy every moment ... you deserve it!

SD 01/18/06
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Postby sidrah » January 24th, 2006, 7:05 pm

Wow, sounds like a good read..Good work stickin' to it :boing:
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1 week down, 2 more to go...

Postby LAwoman » January 26th, 2006, 6:28 pm

Made it through the first week of meetings staying on course with MF, whew! There were several moments during each day when I thought about what the foods would taste like that I watched everyone snacking. But it never seemed like it would be good enough to actually eat and sabatoge my efforts. As Nancy always says, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." That one really hit home for me this week. Thanks almighty-MF-one. :bow:

Did have an extra coffee with cream each day, but a girl's gotta' find some way to stay awake during these things ;) .

So my goal for the next two weeks of meetings (besides sticking completely to MF) is to choose some healthier teas to drink so I don't add on any extra cream and ease up on the caffeine.

Thanks for the support all!
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new month

Postby LAwoman » February 1st, 2006, 4:57 pm

Good afternoon all,

Well, I've survived half of the meetings with no cheating to date. I finish up next week on Friday and still have 7 more days to face all the foodie tables that we're encouraged to nibble from ALL DAY LONG. :bib:

In the past, I would have easily gained several pounds from grazing all day long out of boredom and the constant food being served. Instead, I'm a few pounds lighter since last week on Monday. :whoohoo:

So I start a new month in ONEderland and can't wait to see where March 1 brings me. :cheermed:

Happy MFing to you all. Keep up the great work everyone. :lol:
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Re: new month

Postby BerkshireGrl » February 1st, 2006, 5:12 pm


You are doing STUPENDOUSLY!

Facing constant tasty food is an incredible temptation... yes, usually we will just give in and eat it, even if we are not hungry! It's even worse if there is a big variety because then the "buffet madness" kicks in, and we think we must try one of everything. Studies have been done that prove the more choices provided, the more people will overeat! :twisted:

Not only are you sharpening your steely resolve - :fence: - but you have entered the magical, mythical Onederland!

:bouncieball: :trophy: :bouncieball:


I am so proud of you! YOU ROCK!

Sail on through the rest of those calorie-thons/meetings, and rest assured, you are an inspiration to all of us!!! :)
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