Change in the TSFL Payment Options

Meet Terry and Nancy.

Change in the TSFL Payment Options

Postby Nancy » April 8th, 2006, 5:24 pm

:wave: Hidy Ho, Everybody ~

As many of you may know, Take Shape For Life is in process of upgrading the technology platform. Their current platform will be changing to a system that will be :hug: more-user friendly, intuitive and :puter: easier to navigate for everyone. Yahoo! :yes:

As they approach the upgrade, they have been systematically auditing all aspects of the current technology platform.

Bank drafts are a rarely utilized form of payment and the administrative cost incurred by managing this method outweighs the benefit of offering it. Therefore, TSFL will discontinue bank drafts as a method of payment.

This change will take effect starting April 16.

The system will continue to accept credit cards, debit cards and money orders as usual.

:secret: Some businesses now offer stored value cards or pre-paid credit cards – they are similar to the phone cards and coffee cards that you can load. Most companies charge a one-time activation fee of about $20 and they usually have a $1 per transaction fee (deduction).

Money Orders are not the best way to pay for your Medigrub – it can take a full two weeks to process the order and then the shipping time is on top of that – it seems like one must place a new order about the time they receive an order.

Others give cash to a Medibuddy or Medirelative and have their friend use their debit or charge account to place their order for them.

Thank you for understanding the changes.
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