DogMa wrote:Ha. Yeah, I am, actually. I'm supposed to go to that Egyptian exhibit with him at the Kimbell during the day Saturday, and then to dinner and a movie with a friend that night (because I absolutely refuse to cancel plans with a friend for a date with some guy - unless it was for the skills thing, but that would be more for the event than for him). I'm hoping my pudding arrives tomorrow, though (then again, I'm enjoying the oatmeal again, and I just discovered sugar-free Jell-O pudding in dulce de leche; holy COW, that stuff is good). Medifast needs to come out with dulce de leche, too. Sigh.
My "has to be organic" husband's latest treat favorite are the limited edition dulce de leche Oreos. My mother send him three boxes for Christmas since you can't get them here. They are locked safely away in a his closet but he still counts them...