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Postby casma500 » October 19th, 2006, 5:28 pm

Wow! First step on a new journey!

I just got my food today and will begin the plan Saturday as (hopefully) that will be easier at home the first 2 days.

I am 41 years old, 5'6", appx 250 lbs (will weigh in Sundaywith exact weight). Can you say YUCK??? My biggest problem is that mentally I do not see myself as overweight. :x I had been thin all my life and ate whatever I wanted to. Then I turned 36, had the boss/job from hell, quit smoking and was working 60-80 hours a week. No time for enough release/venting or healthy eating!

I've tried every diet out there nearly, since then. To no avail, so I am TOTALLY stoked about this and how it works. And I know posting my pre-weight and before/after pix will only hold me accountable to sticking with it. I also know I will need to continue to come back to the forum for support and advice instead of trying to fix it myself :roll:

I am going to do WHATEVER :mrgreen: it takes to make this work and to get my meals every 2-3 hours ~ thanx to all of you for your encouragement and support, before I've even begun ~ I look forward to getting to know you!
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D-Day Minus 1

Postby casma500 » October 20th, 2006, 8:51 pm

Well, the big day is tomorrow and Nancy gave me the BEST advice! About getting ziplock baggies and sorting out my meals for the first week (and thereafter). I LOVE that ~ plus, I am an organizational nut, so this REALLY works for me! I've put all those ziplocks in a huge 2.5 gallon ziplock with extra items, so if I get hungry, I've got some there! Plus, I have some diversity the first week so I can try everything. I will be going grocery shopping in the morning to get more meats and veggies for this week. I am trying to get a variety of those as well so I don't get bored. I've taken my "before" pix; unfortunately it is on a disposable camera so I am not sure how they turned out until I get them done.

I got my ticker on my profile too! Off to make grocery list for tomorrow!

Here's to Day 1!!
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Day 2

Postby casma500 » October 22nd, 2006, 6:58 pm

Well, lots more hunger today! But I did very well (excepted on cheated on my veggies tonight and ate more zuchinni than 1-1/2 cups...). Had salmon and asparagus and zuchinni and I ate it very very slowly! lol.

Had a busy day and noticed that as long as I am busy and doing stuff, I really don't notice - it's when I sit down and have no

Am expecting tomorrow to be rougher in some ways as it will be my first work day, but that will also help me in the "busy" column! :lol:
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Postby Elizabeth » October 23rd, 2006, 3:14 am

Sounds like you're doing great so far CA. I do much better on structured/busy days. Have a great week.
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Day 3

Postby casma500 » October 23rd, 2006, 11:48 am

Thanks Elizabeth!

I am on Day 3 and have been hungry most of the day. Having my first "extra" shake and am sipping on that, so it is helping. The good news is that I know my growling tummy means I am consuming calories/fat/etc. :)

I have prayed and then went to the studio and saw Alpha's and Nova's driver license pics!!!! What a way cool inspiration ~ now I DEFINITELY have a place to "run" to when those hunger pangs hit again!

I'm so incredibly grateful for those willing to put up their before pics as I know it is going to be REALLY hard to me to do it once I get mine developed -- so here's to all of you that are willing to share to help the rest of us!!! KUDOS!!! :yay: :thumbig: :bravo:
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Day 4

Postby casma500 » October 24th, 2006, 6:28 pm

I have been hungry today! I am not sure if I am in ketosis or not yet, as I thought it would feel different today... how do i know if i am in ketosis? Not sure if it is working...
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Postby Elke » October 24th, 2006, 8:25 pm

I can't speak for everyone else but I never "felt" anything. You just keep your head up and on your first week weigh in YOU WILL KNOW ITS WORKING!!! Your doing great, be proud and don't expect to looss it all in the first few days. Remeber it took you a long time to gain it, it will take some time to loose it.
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Postby HollyH » October 25th, 2006, 1:19 pm

casma- I was really hungry the first week as well. It's really strange because one day you just aren't. And, on the days that I'm "starving"...I think there is NO way a shake will fill me up- and it does! I really don't understand how that works at all. Keep it up!
I saw your post that you're in Dallas as well! That's great! I work in the Uptown area....there are things you can eat even at Snuffer's! (my husband loves that place)
I'll be curious to hear how well you do at your first weigh-in! It really melts the inches off SO fast. I can really tell a huge difference inch-wise, even though it's not a ton pound-wise!

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Postby casma500 » October 25th, 2006, 1:42 pm

Thanks Elke & Holly -- just what I needed to "hear"!! I'm ready for that change too (not being hungry part)! lol

Snuffer's!! I can't even begin to imagine what I could eat (I just KNOW what I would love - some of their famous cheese fries...) LOL ~ speaking of though, what do you eat when you go out? Salads? or just meat with veggies on the side? Haven't crossed that bridge yet, but probably should know for when it does come up.

And thanks for the info about the inches! I did measure when I started and wrote it down, so I will definitely be keeping up with that -- we will see at roll call, I guess :)

DogMa is from Arlington as well -- maybe next spring we can plan a L&G meal somewhere in the middle ~ anyone else in the DFW area??

Thanks again!
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Postby HollyH » October 25th, 2006, 2:12 pm

Usually, when I go out, I get either a small salad and grilled chicken or fajitas. I'm a tex-mex girl, and haven't even WANTED to cheat! I just get a small salad and cover it in salsa and then order some chicken fajitas. No chips at all. The salad usually comes out lightning fast!
Also, Snuffers has been easy for me as well. I get their grilled chicken salad with no egg, cheese, etc.....I put salsa on it and dip my fork in the ranch every once in a while. My skinny husband gets the cheese fries, and I don't even look at them.
I really think the difference this time is that I feel so different!
We should definitely plan to get together for a L&G meal!

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Postby casma500 » October 26th, 2006, 10:22 am

Great tips! Thanks so much!!

I didn't realize we could have ranch, even in small amounts, so, YAY!!!!! I am feeling less anxiety today, so that is good. I LOVE tex mex too - and would always mix salsa & ranch together for my dressing! How funny!! How great to know I can order the fajitas and just not eat the tortillas!

And I have to say, I just LOVE the ease of this program and how I can just keep packets everywhere so I have no excuse for not eating it!

And tonight is my shrimp and salad night - YAY! :)

I would love to get together for a L&G! Dogma, do you know of any TexMex places in Irving area?? Would you like to meet with us too? I think that would be a good "middle" meeting ground!
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Day 6

Postby casma500 » October 26th, 2006, 5:05 pm

Well, headaches today and last night ~ not sure what that means (ketosis possiblY??). Have asked Nancy and look forward to her reply :) Did a "sneak" weigh in and am EVEN MORE excited about this program!!! WOW!!! Can hardly wait for the "official" weigh in Sunday a.m.! :mrgreen:

Had shrimp and salad for dinner tonight; just used vinegar & fresh lemon juice and spices in it on the salad as I could not find any salad dressing to use.

The quick start guide mentions MF dressing -- anyone know what/where that is??? Looked all over the TSFL site and did not find it anywhere... :cry: And I cannot find any dressings at the store with the requirements needed ~ will get that spritz stuff next week ~ what brands do any of you out there use??
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Postby casma500 » October 27th, 2006, 11:15 am

Day 7...
Feeling pretty good today; eating 2-1/2 to 3 hours as needed. I think my headaches are from caffeine withdrawal!!! Forgot that I have gone from my normal 5-6 cups to 1-2 cups mixed with my chai or cappuccino. I may even go ahead and buy a jar of decaf instant coffee to start mixing with the regular to help nurse myself off it all the way.

Today when I walked by the receptionist's candy bowl, the thought of taking one made my mouth pucker! I had NO desire for one! Very cool! All week i have walked by and thought, it would be so nice to have just ONE... never did, but today, ick! Didn't even begin to sound appealing.

Still on my pink cloud and hope I never need to come down ~ :mrgreen:
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Postby Unca_Tim » October 27th, 2006, 12:47 pm

Sounds like you're approaching the Medi-Zone.....:)
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Re: casma500

Postby KimKim » October 27th, 2006, 9:44 pm

casma500 wrote:Wow! First step on a new journey!

I also know I will need to continue to come back to the forum for support and advice instead of trying to fix it myself :roll:


I can totally relate. Admitting that I actually needed help with my weight was one of the hardest, most embarrassing moments of my life. I simply could not do it alone. But you know what? . . . So what? We're doing it and that's all that matters. We're here . . .

Sometimes, it's just that simple,

and this is coming form an over-analyzer ;-),

so congratulations and hang in there!

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