You're on Robin! Unfortunately, with the holidays, the saturdays for the rest of this month is booked for me, but definitely in january -- just let me know which weekend is best for you. And I am planning on buying myself a digital camera for Christmas, so we can grab some poor waiter or waitress so we can post some here too

We can invite any other MFers willing to come~
Work was VERY stressful today due to the no address thingy for the boss' party... but MF-wise, had a great day today - totally stuck with the plan, though something on tv made me SOOOOO hungry for an english muffin!~ oh well -- as Robin says, that food will always be there! That always helps me!
But I also had the rest of the zuchinni pie that Mike posted in LC section! YUM!!! I added some celery (freebie), mushrooms and tomatoes ~ man! And it was SO much food!! Absolutely the best! What a great treat and chance from chicken breast & veggies or salad! I will definiately be making more of this in future, and even trying it with spinach (I think Robin makes something similar).
Did not weigh in today; want to get back to just weighing in twice a week again (Wed & Sundays) so as not to get discouraged due to normal fluctuations.
So, off to slumberland and getting ready for another great MF day!