Thanks Robin! I think the biggest thing for me is actually just that it is Thanksgiving & Christmas. Those are "food" times for me as I have no family here so my friends are my family (hmmm.. think emotions may be part of all that??) LOL, and that is part of our get together at that time. So in my head, justifying eating bad twice a year doesn't seem so bad, which is the only reason i think i really gave in. I was really good at halloween with all the crap around, because that is not a "family/friends" holiday for me. NOT that that is a good reason (i should always eat good, but alas, am human). But that is some good stuff to think about for the next holiday hurdle for me... have to work on that. i eat my MF around my friends (same friends) at non-holiday times and don't have a problem... definitely food for though (pardon the pun!)
Well, I weighed in today, and am back down to 232.5, so just 1.5 pounds off weight I was before T-week. I hope to have that gone by tomorrow, and then, from there, lose even more for the week! I have noticed the hunger pangs today as we are having training all week on a new system AND i relieve the receptionist when she is there, and when she is at lunch, or I am in the class. So my times are just having to adjust by 15-30 minutes for meals. Sometimes i have to eat early, sometimes late.
But I really believe not having my MF snack is helping me tremendously as well. I am afraid once I began exercising again, I am not going to want to incorporate that into my meals, and I probably really need to. Can someone kick my butt about that?? Do I really have to include one? I didn't the first 3 weeks I was on the program as I didn't order any, and I did fine.