The way I lost the weight last time was with 100% shakes. I usually say I did 6/0, I did not want to get crap from people for saying what I really did. I guess I got used to defending using MF. The truth is that I did it through my doctor's office, with weekly doctor visits, and he had me do 5 shakes per day and 14 glasses of water per day. I lost the weight and kept it off for several years until I became pregnant. I never heard of doing 6 shakes per day until I came to this forum.
I have many failed re-starts. My circumstances have changed, I am a single mom and work a demanding job. When I was successful on 5 shakes a day, I did not have a kid and I had a lot less stress in my life in other areas as well. So now that I don't feel I can do 100% shakes this time around, I ordered 2 weeks supply of MF meals and shakes.
the part I am confused about is the lean and green. for reasons I won't go into right now, doing one lean and green meal per day is not going to work. My plan was to do six MF meals/shakes per day with the following plan: oatmeal, shake, soup, bar, shake, pudding. However, I saw somewhere it said that you should not replace the lean and green w/o doctor's approval. Well, this time around I don't have the financial resources to do it under doctor's supervision.
I am wondering that since I know my body can successfully handle 5/0, then there should be no problem in doing the aforementioned six MF meals/shakes per day. Unfortunately I don't have the financial resourced to use a MF health advisor either.
My shipment should arrive in about a week. I have some deciding to do. Chances are I will probably go ahead and do the 6 MF per day unless I hear that it really is detremental to my health.