cant drink my water..

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cant drink my water..

Postby Leslie and Rick » June 1st, 2005, 7:19 pm

hello all... my first post here..and i want to know about water and how important is it to my loss??
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Postby Nancy » June 1st, 2005, 7:22 pm

:water: Water is VERY VERY VERY important for weight loss.

It is VITAL.

It flushes out the fat cells and gets rid of the toxins and the residue from flabbage burning...

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Postby Paula » June 1st, 2005, 10:57 pm

It also makes me feel better and helps me feel full. I think my skin and hair are better too, but I tend to be really dried out from medications I take.
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Postby doglover » June 2nd, 2005, 4:37 am

Welcome to the forum! I used to HATE water. I started this knowing I had to get lots in so for a few months I used the chrystal lite flavoring in my water. I am now off that 100% and have no trouble at all getting all the necessary water + more in every day! I am really thirsty (or at least now recognize it as thirst!) and drink all the time. My water bottles are a constant companion!

So do what you need to at first to get it in and then it will become easy and a habit!
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Postby Seaside » June 2nd, 2005, 5:34 am

Water is VERY important, I have come to see. I am still a big diet soda fiend, but the pounds just did not start coming off til I added 2 liters of water a day to my plan. I feel better (don't like running to the bathroom every 10 minutes, but that equalizes) and my skin looks better.

I have Crystal Lite, too, but it doesn't have that soda "fizz" that I crave. Wal-Mart sells a store brand of calorie-carb-sodium free flavored fizzy water, in handy 1-liter bottles, for 50 cents. For $7.00/week (the cost of 2 12-packs of name brand soda) I can get all my water in, with tasty flavors like apple-blackberry, cherry, strawberry and tropical. But I try to add regular water, too. I have cut down my diet soda consumption to about 1 20-ounce bottle a day. :water:
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Postby Emma » June 2nd, 2005, 5:43 am

So does my Seltzer Water or Sparkling Water count towards my water? I drink at least a 2-liter bottle a day of it, so that's what I've been counting. I just love the bubbles! :lol:

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Postby Seaside » June 2nd, 2005, 6:19 am

Dear Emma, I hope Nancy gives sodium-free fizzy water her OK or I am SUNK!! :buddies: :buddies:
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Postby Nancy » June 2nd, 2005, 7:28 am

Seaside and Emma ~

If it floats your boat...go ahead.
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Postby tink » June 2nd, 2005, 7:33 am

I have a hard time drinking my water too! :oops: I just struggle with it! I will jazz mine up with some lemon juice and splenda ... not as many calories as crystal light but tastes really good. I also drink crystal light and use the individual flavor packs all the time especially when I am out and about and can't easily use lemon juice and splenda. I have gotton myself off of diet pepsi and diet mt. dew and started drinking diet rite or diet sunkist which are I think a little bit better because they don't have tons of caffeine. :mrgreen:
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Postby Nancy » June 2nd, 2005, 7:45 am

When I first started dieting - when I was about 5 years old....I hated water and my Mom used to put a drip of fresh squeezed lemon or lime in the water.

When I began Medifasting, it :twisted: killed me to drink water, too.

I just didn't drink much of anything - maybe one cup of coffee per day. I started off with lemon juice in the water bottle. It helped me tremendously.

Minute Maid has a excellent product available in most freezer sections of the grocery store: 100% frozen lemon juice. It comes in a yellow plastic bottle with a flip top squeezer lid, packaged in a black and yellow box. Sometimes it is located near the frozen fish if you cannot find it by the frozen juices.

Drink as much water as you are able - this may take a few weeks to get used to. You are making a lot of changes right now and it all doesn't happen over night.

As you are able, de-pop yourself - you will eliminate sodium, food coloring and additives. Replace what you are able with water and eventually you will be up to 8 glasses + of water and be searching for more. Some days I feel like a camel, and I don't mean a ciggy...
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Postby Helen » June 2nd, 2005, 11:36 am

the only substitute for water is sparkling water. it is basically water that is carbonated which is all i could drink when i started dieting earlier this year. but now im a regular waterfeen b/c the bubbles bother my tummy.
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Postby fatBgone » June 2nd, 2005, 12:21 pm

There's also flavored waters now that aren't sparkling. They're my favorite. They have 0 calories, 0 carbs, 0 sugars and different brands have different amounts of sodium. Nestle has 4 flavors (strawberry, orange, lemon & rasberry) and they only have 10 grams of sodium - which is the lowest I've seen. Aquafina has flavored water too - 65 grams of sodium (alot); Dasani has them too - 35 grams of sodium and then there's Fruit20, but I don't know their sodium content - because I don't buy them....they have a funny taste to me. Also, to make them more affordable, I dilute them with 1/2 spring water and they still taste good to me....better than plain water. :water: Anyway, that's ALL I drink now - and I was a TOTAL diet coke aholic!! I can't even drink diet coke anymore because it tastes TOO sweet and syrupy. I know I've said all this before, so sorry for repeating myself - but since we were on the water topic again - I just thought I would re-post for those that didn't read it before.
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Postby Seaside » June 2nd, 2005, 12:31 pm

Is it the aspartame in the diet drinks that is the "baddie" ? Does it fool with your blood sugar? I know Splenda is supposed to be better. Maybe someday I will be off my diet soda/ fizzy water kick.
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Postby Leslie and Rick » June 2nd, 2005, 5:27 pm

WOW!!! all that wonderful feedback!!!!!!!!! Thank you all so much... for some reason I cant post on here all the time, so I will continue to read and enljoy the site!!!! Thanks so much-- You guys are wonderful
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 2nd, 2005, 6:52 pm

Hi Leslie and Rick,
Click the little "Search" button and do a search on AOL.

Also look at this post:
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