Hi, melon 1989 ~
Aw…so sorry that you have been struggling with Candida. There are several types of Candida. There is the

irritating fungal type that women sometimes get when starting on birth control pills or that which occurs during their menstrual cycles...some people with diabetes get it.
I have a male acquaintance that has it along with CFS; he avoids sugar, dairy and yeast at all costs. He sees a naturopath and an acupuncturist for treatment.
I'm not a physician and cannot diagnose or offer treatment for you but suggest that you contact your health care provider for assistance.
Some people experience fatigue during the first week or so on the weight loss program but it usually goes away relatively soon once the person is in the fat-burning state. Some medications such as that given for high blood pressure can leave a person feeling tired and washed out if their dose is too high in relationship to their new lower weight.
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