Buying a scale

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Buying a scale

Postby gerimarc » June 30th, 2004, 12:38 pm

Does anyone have a suggestion for the right scale to buy. :scratchhead:
I think there is something wrong with mine....every time I get on it it changes two or three times before it decides to stop on a weight. Mine is called a Slimmer. I liked it because it was very thin and didn't take up a lot of room in my bathroom.

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Postby explorthis » June 30th, 2004, 1:41 pm

Check this post out, might help... ... ight=scale

We had a pretty good chat on scale types back in Feb...

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Ria » June 30th, 2004, 3:34 pm

Hi Gerimarc,

The Weight Watchers scale is very good. You can find them at Linens and Things.
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Postby Echo » June 30th, 2004, 4:00 pm

The scale I use is a Tanita body fat monitor scale. You program it with your height and sex (there are two programs so two people can use it without having to reprogram) You stand on it barefoot and it gives your weight and bmi. I've had it for years and have only needed to change the batteries once. And it zero's itself every time you use it so you know it's accurate. With my old dialazero scale I would put it a hair under zero so I could just weigh that tinch of a pound less, lol.
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Postby Nite Izes » June 30th, 2004, 11:39 pm

I have a Tanita body fat monitor/weight scale. It is a model UM-028. It determines my body fat percentage as I am being weighed. It does it through what is known as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). This means that a low-level electrical signal is passed through the body. The signal has difficulties flowing through fat and this is known as impedance. From this, as the electrical signal becomes more resistant to flow through the body fat, a fat percentage is recorded on the scale. The electrical signal flows easily through moisture in the muscle and other body tissues, but it is difficult to pass through fat cells, hence body fat percentage (BFP). You basically program the scale to your height and age.

My BFP should be between 23% to 34% according to the booklet that comes with it. I am currently off the charts. My BFP averages about 50% right now, but of course for I am morbidly obese.
start date: 3/27/04
BMI=55.4 New BMI= 38.0
WT Loss= -95/-77
√ 1st goal= 250 BMI= 45.7
√ 2nd goal=219 BMI= 39.9
3rd goal = 191 BMI= 34.9
4th goal = 163 BMI= 29.8
5th goal = 140 BMI= 25.6
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Postby justme » July 1st, 2004, 7:25 am

I currently use the digital weight watchers scale too...I think I got it just because it was on sale one day and it was digital because it's nice to be able to keep up with the "." losses too.

Start Date June 15, 2004

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