Bump in the road

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Bump in the road

Postby Dayna » February 10th, 2006, 1:08 pm

Woke up yesterday morning thinking I had something stuck in my eye. Went to the doctor, turns out I've got viral conjunctivitis (basically, a nasty headcold with pinkeye). I'd been fighting off the cold since last weekend, and yesterday it finally manifested in my eye.

Here's the problem I'm facing today (well, in addition to a painful blurry eye and generally feeling like crud). I'm HUNGRY. I had my orange shake when I woke up at 9:30 (which is usually when I first eat on weekends, so that wasn't anything abnormal), and by 10:45 I was hungry again. I'd already downed 34 oz. of water, so I don't think it was thirst disguised as hunger. And it wasn't just cravings; it wasn't that I wanted to eat bad things, or lots of things, I just wanted SOMETHING. I ate my bar at 11:30, hoping the higher calorie count might help. It did, but I'm still hungry, which is very different from the medifast experiences I've been having since I started (hunger has not been an issue at any point until today). I'm using steroid eyedrops for the swelling, but I can't imagine a dose that small given topically could possibly affect my system like this. Do our bodies need extra calories, sometimes, when we're sick? Has anyone else experienced hunger associated with illness? I've been sick for about three weeks now (bronchitis first, straight into this), and I'm wondering if all the disease fighting is simply using up more engergy than I have right now. I think I'm going to try adding a supplement today, and see if that helps (plus a pickle or two :D ). I do NOT want to do the first three days over, so I am NOT going to do anything detrimental to the program. However, I already feel yucky, and the hunger on top of it just makes things worse, especially since it seems to be real hunger, not head hunger. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

- Dayna
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 10th, 2006, 1:15 pm

Hey there Dayna :hug: sorry you're not feeling well :( I think your idea of adding an extra suppliment is the wise thing to do (maybe even two...don't shoot me anyone). You need your strength to fight off the infection. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
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Postby falisamarie » February 10th, 2006, 1:15 pm


I have heard that even the steroid eye drops can cause you to be hungry and I can tell you that if it is steroid related it is real hunger. In a way I think you also may have answered your own question in that I believe that when our body is fighting illness it probably uses up calories and therefore you would be hungry. I think you have the right idea to just add and extra replacement and a couple of pickles. Hope you are feeling better real soon!

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extra meal

Postby Jan » February 10th, 2006, 1:34 pm

Hi there,
An extra shake won't be a problem. Your body may need more nutrition now to fight off the bug. The shake is perfectly balanced so won't hurt a thing. You won't have to do those first three days again.
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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 10th, 2006, 3:01 pm


I am definately no expert. I do believe your body is trying to fight the illness. As such you are using up more energy as you stated. I would do what the others suggest and add a supplement maybe two if you need to. Your body needs more fuel to fight. You may want to get more rest as well. That should help it fight.

I sure do hope you feel better.

As long as you stay low low carb (adding the other supplements) I don't see how you will have to re-start the three days. There are people who do low carb programs (i.e. atkins) and stay in Ketosis(spelling) and they are eating more food they just keep the carbs low.

I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Just my 2 cents.

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Postby Dayna » February 11th, 2006, 6:33 pm

Thanks, everyone, for your advice and support. Yesterday, I had a pickle and some medifast crackers with my soup (I know, not supposed to have two snacks, it was just for yesterday), and then added an extra supplement later on. I felt MUCH better. I seem to be on the mend, now (yay!), although I'll still be adding one more supplement again today. Just until I feel mostly human, and get that great medifast energy back.

Thanks again!

- Dayna
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 11th, 2006, 9:22 pm

Hi Dayna,
Glad you're feeling better.

I'm not a nutritionist or medical expert either (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last nite) and I have to agree with Vicky....

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