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Postby Latoya702 » January 6th, 2006, 6:17 pm

What do you do if you want to breastfeed on this program?
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Postby Jan » January 7th, 2006, 12:32 am

Hi there,
Nancy just posted an answer about this very subject. If you are providing all the nutrition for your baby then you need to wait to start the program. If your baby is old enough that you are just supplementing then I believe she said it was ok (she'll jump in and correct me if I've remembered wrong) Don't worry, take care of your baby's needs right now and after that we'll find you here joining us. I personally believe breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your baby. Good for you!!
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Postby Nancy » January 7th, 2006, 2:13 am

When a woman is preggers or nursing, she needs plenty of protein, lots of water and a higher daily caloric level than what our weight loss program provides. While Medifast is a highly nutritious product and certainly safe when used as an occasional snack it does not provide you with the necessary nutrition needed to support milk production for a busy lactating mommy who is recovering from pregnancy!

Dr. Wayne S. Andersen, the Medical Director for Medifast Diet and Take Shape For Life says, “no no” if your baby is getting its primary sustenance from breast milk alone. If your child is nearly weaned and receiving additional supplementations or eating food, then it is permissible.

Our daughter used some Medifast products for between meal snacks and for the nutritional value while she was preggers and post-partum.

For snacks :yes: but for weight loss :nonono:

Our daughter had a baby boy 6.5 months ago and she just started back on the weight loss program this week. She gained :oops: 50 pounds with her son – he weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.

She used some Medifast every day because it settled her stomach and she craved it! She had a shake and (horrors!) toast) for breakfast, she had a Ready to Drink and a bar a couple times a day and in addition she ate an apple (or berries or a peach), green salad, cottage cheese or hard cheese and chicken and fish. She is still nursing Nicholas twice a day but recently started him on some food now that he has two toofers and he is also getting some bottles of organic soy milk.

She started on the 5 and 1 Program on Tuesday, and today is Day 4 –she’s lost 5 pounds already. She will easily get the weight off by summer and is looking forward to wearing a bathing suit! :lol:

I have written in other posts about this, use the search feature ^ there for further info.
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Postby Latoya702 » January 8th, 2006, 9:36 pm

Thank you for that great info! I didn't realize that you could use the search feature for help. Hearing about your daughter gives me hope!

Thank you
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 9:50 pm

I am glad to know that you found the info you need. Give that baby a smoochy from me. Mama's milky is the best ever for babies and then when it is time and they are on to crawler and toddler food, Medifast soy shakes make the best drinks for moms who want to drop their post-baby fat!

Latoya, the products are absolutely wonderful nutritious snacks for busy new moms!
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