Breastfeeding on medifast?

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Breastfeeding on medifast?

Postby Daisey » June 1st, 2006, 8:40 pm

Hi, does anybody know about using medifast while breastfeeding? I am currently 37 weeks pregnant, I've gained a lot weight while pregnant. I have had success last summer while on medifast...until I became pregnant and went off of medifast.

After I have my baby, I want to return to medifast, plus I plan on breastfeeding. I would ask my doctor about this, however, my doctor didn't approve of me being on medifast last summer before I was even pregnant. My doctor said that the medifast diet sounds foolish and unhealthy. Therefore, I know I can't go to my doctor to answer this question.

Thanks to anybody who can offer insight!
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Postby Nancy » June 1st, 2006, 10:33 pm

Hi, Daisey ~

Congratulations! Your baby will be here soon - you must be eager to hold that precious one in your arms!

Re: Lactation and Medifast

Medifast meal packets may be used as nutritional supplements but a nursing mother should not be on the weight loss program. It is strictly forbidden - it takes more calories to produce milk for your baby than what you would be getting on the 5 & 1 Program for weight loss.

It is fine to use a couple packets each day as a handy nutritional snack or in conjunction with other regular foods. Our daughter used several packets a day while she was preggers and while nursing but she always ate other foods, too.

Medifast is slightly dehydrating and for best milk production, it is necessary to water and fluid intake.

Since your doctor apparently is uninformed about Medifast, perhaps if you took some information with you to your next appointment, he would benefit from reading about it. From what you mention, however, it is unlikely your doctor will yield his opinion…maybe there is a nutritionist in your clinic that may be able to help you plan your meals. Some women have a shake along with a balanced meal such as a serving of lean protein (meat or cheese), low-glycemic vegetables and/or fruit. Eating 6 or 7 times a day and drinking plenty of water is beneficial for all of us.
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