Breaking up L&G into mini-snacks...

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Breaking up L&G into mini-snacks...

Postby katesmom » January 29th, 2009, 5:09 pm

Hi all,
Another question for you...Can you break up your L&G into mini-snacks? Say you want to eat half of your salad for lunch and have it along with a mf supp at 3:00...Can you do that? Also can you do that with your protein? Let's say you have your 5oz of chicken and just nibble it throughout the day..Can you do this???

Thanks for any input that you may have !

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Postby nickieluv » January 29th, 2009, 7:28 pm

I remember it being said that you can split your L&G, but it has to be proportionate. So if you have 1/2 of your lean, you must have 1/2 of your green at the same time.

That was the official take on that. But I don't what the reasoning behind it is. So maybe your idea would be OK. We need some HAs to weigh in on this one I think. Or maybe it would be something for the nurse's call?
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Postby SevenKitty » February 26th, 2009, 1:00 pm

From what I understand, katesmom is correct. You can split the L&G but it has to be a balanced mini-meals, so half of your lean and half of your green in each meal...or at least proportionate. Also, you have to be sure that you are eating the same total amount as you would with one L&G. I do this, and for me, it helps with mid-day hunger :)
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