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Postby LilMsTexas » June 29th, 2005, 3:43 am happened yesterday.........I had a breakdown at work........sobbing........snotty tears..........the stress of it all finally got to me. My work load is absolutely tearing me apart at the last minute with just 5 working days left. My supervisor, while very very sweet to me, is a micro-manager and an absolute perfectionist. I have THOUGHT I knew perfectionists in the past......but no.......she is it. Under normal circumstances I don't have a problem with her......I am in fact the only person she supervises because I am the only one who can deal with it. I like that I am held to a high standard, because I know my work is always great. But right now, I need some of the lead way that the other officers enjoy on a daily basis. I'm drowning. And Darren has been gone the past two days and of course my little one has chosen this time to become more independent and CRANKY :twisted: Kids always feed off of our stress.

Darren will be home tonight........mother-in-law gets here Saturday.....THAT adds stress to me too :roll: My insides are churning like creepy crawly things live inside me now, my head hurts, AND......DRUM ROLL PLEASE.........the air conditioning isn't working in MY OFFICE :shock: My office used to be a storage room years ago and something is wrong with the ducting. Someone came to fix it a while back and we thought the problem was solved.......but air for Christi. Ya'll I'm absolutely just about to go crazy. No help in sight. Sorry to complain here........I know it's not like me much.......but I'm so stressed out right now I thought it might help me to unload a little bit before I went back to work. I just want to curl up in the floor and cry my eyes out. I'm so tired from not sleeping right. I toss and turn thinking all night long about work and surgery and everything I need to do. I wake up during the night looking at the clock afraid that I'm oversleeping :|

Anyway........upstairs to get ready for work. I'll be glad when Darren gets home tonight.......I just need a hug :hug: My DH is a nice big guy with big strong arms that really wrap me up :D Maybe I'll be better tonight.

Have a great day everybody.......sorry about the bummer post.....hopefully I'll have something positive to say tonight!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby tink » June 29th, 2005, 5:40 am

Christi - I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time right now. I just want you to know that we do care and it doesn't matter if you post here on good or bad days that is what we are all here to do. To support each other through good times and bad times. I know that everything will work out beautifully for you although right now it may be hard for you to see that since you are so stressed out. Please try to just take a deep breath and just do the best you can do and let the other things fall in place. I am sure once your DH give you a great big bear hug you will feel so much better. It always seems to help me. Just remember pick your battles and try to break things down in small tasks so you don't get so overwhelmed. I know this isn't probably much help but I do want you to know that I am thinking and praying for you! Here is a big cyber hug for you! :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:
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Postby Emma » June 29th, 2005, 6:04 am


I'm so sorry you're going thru this. Cry, cry, cry - it helps. Here's sending you a big hug :hug:

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Postby KeleeGrl » June 29th, 2005, 6:14 am

:bighug: ...Christi here's another great big hug...hang in there!
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Postby LuzInIt » June 29th, 2005, 6:32 am

Aw Christi... Tears of compassion here for you :cry: . We all have times when life stuff just gets a bit overwhelming, and I'm so sorry you are having one of those times now. I was thinking how greatful I am that we have discovered this place to come and vent our emotions, either when we are so ecstatic we could scream (as when 24K hit onederland) or when we need a shoulder to cry on. Cry away Christi, we're here for you. I'm sure just having Darren walk through the door tonight will lift a huge load from you. Thanks for posting the info on your upcoming surgery, too. Many of us hope to be in your shoes one day, and the wealth of information you provide us will be so helpful if any of us get the opportunity to be resculpted - and of course, thanks to your creative way with words, just reading your stories is a real hoot :D . You will be in my thoughts and prayers, willing you peace and comfort throughout this day.
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Postby LuzInIt » June 29th, 2005, 6:38 am

Aw CRAP! In one of my former lives, I worked as an editor for a local magazine and I hate it when I misspell :x . That would be "grateful"!
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 29th, 2005, 6:58 am

Hi Christi,
All i can say is...
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Life can be sooooooo complex sometimes.

I know it's not easy, but when your mind is going a million miles an hour, try to take a few minutes for yourself, relax, and think of your favorite quiet, happy moments.

Just look forward to the time when it's like a glassy lake on a warm spring day. That time will come.

You know we're all here for you.
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Postby 24KaratGold » June 29th, 2005, 7:51 am

Aw... dang... hon, I wish there was something that I could say or do to make it all better. Keep your eyes on the prize -- just think, in just a few days you'll have a long break from all the work nonsense. You'll be able to put it out of your mind and not worry about it then. And hubby will be home tonight to hold you in his sweet arms.

Hey, you know what the BEST thing I read in your post? Actually, it was something that I DIDN'T read. You are under a great deal of stress right now, and you broke down and cried, and you are tossing and turning instead of sleeping properly.

But I didn't see anything that said that you broke down and resorted to your favorite comfort food in the process. And THAT is something to be proud of. Congratulations!

This too will pass, sweetie, and they do say that that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger (I think that's why I'm so bloody strong....). Hang in there, and know you have the love and support of all of us here.

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Postby kimalexrn » June 29th, 2005, 8:47 am




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Postby doglover » June 29th, 2005, 9:02 am

I can't add much but just to tell you something kind of funny. Just before a serious surgery I had in 1999 I was SOOOOO stressed and everything was so going wrong. When I got to the hospital for the surgery I was actually quite thrilled to be getting a really peaceful nap for the next 4 hrs! I was so anxious to just sleep for a bit! It was so funny to feel that way but that's how stressed I was. When the nurses said "are you ready?" I said "this can't happen fast enough!"

Keep your chin up and then ball you eyes out. It's ok. You are a strong woman, be proud and stressed and a maniac. We will all still love you!
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Postby Dean0408 » June 29th, 2005, 9:39 am

Dear sweet Christi.........It makes me sad to see you stressed to the point of tears. You have so many irons in the fire that it is no wonder it finally came to this point. Heck, maybe that is just what was needed though..........for the safety valve to kick in and relieve some of the pressure before the boiler blows altogether.

You are a caring care about your family and friends and you most certainly (based on your posts), care about doing your job in the best way possible. You genuinely take on the burdens of others and try to help at all times.

The time has come to care more about yourself. Take a look at all the things that when lumped together create a mountain of stress for you. Is there anything at all in this group that can be changed or eliminated? Perhaps it is time for a job change.

You said once that you had a master's degree in HR management.......have you considered using this degree for a less stressful and perhaps higher paying position?

All I am saying is that there is obviously an accumulation of things that really got to you. Who knows? Perhaps the addition of the impending surgery was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". If so, this piece of the stress puzzle will be gone soon and maybe you will be right back to normal with regard to coping with your world.

Anyhow, try and take some time for yourself. Remember that stress can cause as many (or more) bad physical problems as extra weight can.

Here's hoping you feel better soon. I think that big hug you talked about from your hubby will help a lot. It will make you feel better ......but it won't change the things that made you feel bad in the first place.

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Postby want2Bthin » June 29th, 2005, 10:50 am


Here is a big hug from me to you! :hug:

You just remember one thing, God never gives us more then we can handle. You will feel so much better when your husband gets home tonight. Until then just know your MF buddies are here for you.

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Postby dlr2424 » June 29th, 2005, 12:02 pm

Christi........ :bighug: ..........Let Go and Let God........ :heart: .....give it all to Him...... :yes: ....what you are experiencing is 100% normal...... :secret: ........and now that you have vented and released some feelings you may start to feel better...... :mrgreen: .......on the brighter side..... :hmmm: ....just less than 10 days you will weigh less and probably be a size or 2 smaller...... :bouncie: .......that's something to celebrate....... :clap: .......all our love and support....... :hug: ......and most importantly....prayers...... :angel: .....

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » June 29th, 2005, 2:16 pm

Aw Christi -
Big hug coming from me too! :bighug:

Letting tears out is usually a big relief, hang in there. The big arms of your hubby will be wrapped around you in no time.

You are always so supportive of all of us, we want to help you through your stressful time as well. We are here when you need us.

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

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Postby LilMsTexas » June 29th, 2005, 6:47 pm

Well everybody I've made it through one more day. Thanks to the wonderful help of a bright young intern I got alot accomplished today. I am certainly no where near where I want to be before I take off, but there were things that "had to be done" that are nearly accomplished.

I just wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate your heart felt concern and support. Throughout the day I would flip up my screen and read one or two posts and just smile and think to myself how lucky I am to have each one of you in my corner.

Darren has made it home and he brought me a shirt that says "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS" underneath a Texas flag 8) He was TDY in El Paso for a few days and he thought the shirt might inspire me ;) I sure wish it wasn't against the dress policy to wear a t-shirt to work or I would have it on tomorrow for sure hehe

By the way Dean.......I consider changing jobs alot of the times. And I surely hope to work within my new profession and for better pay at some point. For now though, Darren is exactly one year from retiring and we will be moving. Changing jobs at this point wouldn't look good on my resume' or even accomplish much. Although I have loved this work at times over the years, it is time for me to move on. Caseloads are to high to be effective, and I can't work with people and not put my whole heart and soul into it. The feeling of hopelessness is just to overwhelming for me any more. But.......I will stick it out until we leave here in a year. Thank you for your support and encouragement. For now it is my professionalism that is causing alot of this stress because I hate to leave without everything "just right." I'm going to have to just let some things go and that's just not a comfortable place for me.

Darren is about out of his shower and it's time for me to go CHEER MYSELF UP ;) hehe...this is another 'BECAUSE I CAN' brought to you by medifast moment hehehehehehehehe ;)

Thank you all again and please continue to pray for me and keep me close in your thoughts. You're all just the BEST!!

Love and hugs,
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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