oh boy, i blew it today!!

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oh boy, i blew it today!!

Postby hollyhouse » February 21st, 2006, 4:39 pm

and i did soo great at the restaurant yesterday.

I ordered a box of chocolate mint bars and it came today.

it had to come on the hour that i was having a mental meltdown! grrrrrr

i guess it was bothering me that i didn't lose any weight this week.
and i started thinking (again) negative thoughts like "watch i bet ill be the only one that doesn't lose anything on this diet" and oh even if i lose the weight im starting to look really old so it won't even look good. so why even bother. and also that dirty little devil was saying "oh great now im going to need new boobs when all is said and done"!

haha sounds kinda funny actually.
but thats exactly what i was thinking when my box arrived and sooo what did i do? i ate one bar then 10 minutes later i compulsively opened another one. then 10 minutes later i opened a thing of medifast crackers!

boy do i feel guilty!!!

This is soooo damn hard! but i gotta brush myself off and get back on track! so dinner is a shake!

and now i know for Sure! the scale isn't going to budge tomorrow but at least i will feel justified.
i know im thinking wrong but i can't help it!
<img border="0" src="http://www.choosing2lose.com/ticker/441ae5b78af9a/weightloss.png">

This is my first goal
2nd goal is 130
then 120
then final 118
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Postby katieb920 » February 21st, 2006, 5:18 pm

I feel the same exact way. But recently instead of eating that bar that I also did. I started cleaning to keep me away from the bars and food. My house has never been so spotless. Also DRINK DRINK DRINK water as much as you can handle. The 2nd week into this program did not drink any water. I was so disappointed in the total loss. 1 1/2 pounds. So the next week I made sure I drank water every day I lost a total of 4# I was so excited. I know you can do it. :lol:
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Postby stelar » February 21st, 2006, 5:21 pm

:D Holly, it's okay to tell yourself "no". It's hard but you have to do it if you want to see a change. You can do this! Some days suck but the decision to stop sucking your gut to put on a pair of pants has to be the stronger than the desire to eat & do the stuff you've always done. We're all here for you! :cheers:

Shaking with you,
SD 01/18/06
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naw, you just tripped:-)

Postby LAwoman » February 21st, 2006, 8:24 pm


You didn't even come close to "blowing it." "Blowing it" would entail eating every and anything, never exercising again, giving up, and not willing to get right back on the MF-plan to lose the weight and live your healthiest life possible.

You just "tripped" honey, and you've picked yourself up, dusted yourself off, and you're ready to get right back on track and move closer and closer 'til you reach goal.

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