Bande ~
I live on the west coast in
Washington state, just across the
Columbia River from
Portland, Oregon. My city of
Vancouver is practically a suburb of Portland; we're less than 15 minutes from the Portland International Airport and can see the control tower from our home.
If any of you ever visit the
northwest, PLEASE send me a
PM and we'll get together! Promise!

(Michelle, we could meet in The Thin very easily! Let me know when you're passing through The Couve and we'll have a coffee of the day at the local Starbuck's.)

Drat! Would have loved meeting you, Bande over the weekend! I made an announcement about being in MD in the
"A Message From Your Hosts" web room last week. I try to make

announcements when we are traveling so we can meet people in
The Thin.
Terry and I met the lithe and lovely
LuzInIt Linda Sunday - I'll write about it and post it in
The Studio in a little while.
We are planning a trip to
California in the near future after we get moved to our new home and sell the MakeMeThinner Cottage - we need things to settle down a little bit around here and then we'll get out and about. It is such a pleasure for us to meet with our MakeMeThinner peeps up-close and personal. I love hearing your stories and meeting everyone.
Elle and MamaD, it was hard for me to pass the bread basket by...I wanted to dive in but it wasn't my time to do so. I DID have part of a crab cake - we have Dungeness crab on the west coast and it is NOTHING like the Maryland crabs. Oh, my! I know you can get them mail ordered from MD and I just may have to do it as they are out of this world!
Yep, it was a foody event while we were back there - it was a time for celebration for the Global Directors. We were there to learn of the fantastic things to expect in terms of the technical support to be made to our Take Shape For Life website, the changes to make seamless changes to Auto Ship orders, regional training events for Health Advisors and to see our photo on the Wall of Honor at TSFL/Medifast Diet Headquarters. TSFL is changing the health for so many of us who had lost hope of ever achieving optimal health without undergoing mutilating surgery and risking death.
Celebrations often center around a meal shared with family and good friends and just because some of us are more than mildly overweight – some are obese or morbidly obese like me, it does not mean that we can never have those delectable foods ever again. We can – within moderation.
Unlike people who have gastric by-pass surgery and must by-pass many foods all together for the rest of their lives or risk turning the restaurant into a vomitorium, I had tastes of just about everything that I truly wanted. I chose my calories carefully.
My weight is up a little bit right now - 6 pounds and I am working to get it off. As some of you may know, I have an autoimmune disorder and take Prednisone daily – it makes weight management a challenge – plus the years of yo-yo dieting has left me with a resistant metabolism. Recent events with the health and needs of my parents and family have left less time for my daily trip to the YMCA so again, I choose carefully what I eat so BLIMPO does not reoccur.
I am not perfect, I eat more than I should at times and I don’t always choose the totally perfect healthy foods for me; junking out is only occasional. This is not a one-time magic powder that erases flab forever from our body. If we do it right during the weight loss phase, we never ever have to go on another MAJOR weight loss phase ever again. Day to day, eat properly. When special occasions and celebrations come along – enjoy them!
I certainly did not feel deprived in any way over the weekend. I ate everything I needed and tasted everything I wanted. I chose carefully. There were some things that I would have devoured mega servings of (crabcakes…the walnut and goatcheese sprinkles on the warm salad, the lamb or steak or the Stonehenge chocolate dessert) but I just didn’t need to – the conversations, the party atmosphere satisfied my soul and filled me with great pleasure. I was relaxed, entertained and happy. Yes, the begnets and dark earthy bread would have been fantastic, I’m sure but I know what they taste like, have opportunities to have them here in the northwest so I chose things that I wouldn’t typically have tastebud access to!
Besides…I was gonna meet
LuzInIt the next day and wanted my hiney to fit in my leathers…lemme tell ya, they keep me honest. Don’t need a scale to monitor my weight when I have leather pants and jeans…they tell the truth every dang time…