Dear Exerise People ~
I just got back from Barnes & Noble with a new book: Pilates for Dummies and a new DVD - "Pilates Beginning Mat Workout" featuring Ana Caban.
Since the fall and winter rains have begun here in the Northwest, I will not be getting my normal outdoor exercise. I spend a lot of time at the computer and sitting in our office so I feel like I need a little more exercise than the 30 minute treadmill and 10 mile bike ride. I want to tone and strengthen my muscles and thought I'd begin something new.
After reading the back of the book, Terry and Unca better look says, "Eight basic principals show you how to get the most out of your mat-based Pilates routines and become stronger, MORE IN CONTROL, and less prone to injury."
Hmm...I just LOVE to be in control! Hee hee!